Friday, January 13, 2012

Date Night - Huzzah!

Tomorrow is my husband and I's monthly planned date night. Many people I know do a weekly date night, but with a young child and money being tight, once a month works for us. We do hang out other nights of the month (usually one or two a week just the two of us - we're lucky our son goes to bed at 7:15!!) as we did last night, just drinking some wine and watching some Seinfeld on DVD.

We instituted a planned date night, however, when I first found out I was pregnant. (Read: I instituted date night when I first found out I was pregnant). I was worried that a new baby was going to change things too much, or we would get too busy and not have time for our marriage anymore. Boy, was I right!!! And so I'm glad we got into the habit of having a planned date night.

Each month, one of us plans an actual date. We don't have to go out for the date, and we don't even have to spend any money. But we do have to have time just the two of us, and we have to do something fun together (watching a movie counts, watching tv does not). My husband plans the "even" months (February - the second month, April, the fourth, etc.) and I plan the "odd." He likes to joke it's because I'm odd. Har har. Hilarious.

Last month, for example, my husband planned for us to stay in and bake and decorate Christmas cookies together. We listened to Christmas carols and drank wine (don't judge us, we weren't in the mood for cocoa!!) and just had so much fun getting flour and icing everywhere. It was like we were back in high school.

This month is my turn to pick and we're going OUT! It's fun to just get dressed up for a night out, even if we're just going to a casual bar & grill, which we are. I got a great deal for $25 worth of food for only $12 on I'm so looking forward to getting dolled up (read: adding eyeliner to my makeup routine) and having a fun night out with my hubby.

For anyone out there reading this who doesn't yet have a date night, please let me give you a strong recommendation for it. It helps us stay connected, even if only once a month. It helps us have fun together - which is difficult sometimes when life gets too serious. It helps me know my husband truly cares about me and values time with me - especially when it's his turn to plan the night! Also, it sets a good example for our son - that Mommy and Daddy love each other, love to spend time together, and someday when he gets married (gulp!) he will (hopefully) take the initiative to take his wife out on a date every so often!

Oh, and future daughter-in-law? You can thank me later.

Much, MUCH later!!

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