Obviously I have been pre-occupied with all things baby lately...and rightly so...10 days from today is the C-section! My husband just asked me last night: "What are we doing this weekend? Do we have anything going on?" I told him no, we'll both be around and I'm not working at all...which was on purpose since I'm again...10 days away from having another baby. To which he responded, "Good. We have a lot we need to get done!"
Clearly. Though I have been quite productive (I must say) in my nesting phase, there is still a lot that could save us some headaches if we got it done now as opposed to when I'm in the hospital or just getting home from the hospital. Rumor has it recovery from a C-section is slightly more difficult than a vaginal delivery. We shall see. So far, all the baby clothes have been washed and put in their rightful drawers. The house is on it's way to very clean. I'd give it a 85% right now. But between ultrasounds (to see if the boys has moved), regular doctors appointments and taking care of Josh, I am pooped beyond belief and there is still at least 1 more trip to Babies R Us that needs to happen before this boy gets here.
Here's what I'm hoping to accomplish this weekend:
Babies R Us run:
- pacifers
- Lansinoh
- Soothies (they saved me last time!)
- Tommy Tippee bottle nipples
- breast pads
- nipple shields (we'll see how breastfeeding goes without them, but I hear they can make all the difference in the world)
- pack n play sheets
- changing table cover
- breast milk storage bags
Things I need hubby to get out of storage:
- nursing cover
- infant bather chair
- baby car seat bases installed in both cars
- cradle (awww!)
- lamb swing (we called it the "silence of the lamb" with Joshua...is that bad? inappropriate? possibly. Regardless, it was the truth! He loved that thing!
To do:
- put away green activity table (to make room for lamb swing in living room)
- figure out where cradle will go in bedroom
- pack hospital bag for Matt & I
- finish cleaning house
- charge camera
- wash lamb swing cover
- mani/pedi with my friend :)
WHEW. I'll let you know how it all goes. But here's to a productive baby-preparation weekend!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Second Time Around
I really don't know what to say right now except...in 18 days I will be the mother of not one, but TWO boys! I am excited and nervous and just full of wonder. What is the second time around going to be like? Before, I had nothing to compare anything to...now I find myself wondering all the time - will this boy look like his big brother? Will he be as good-natured? Will he sleep through the night at 6 weeks like his brother did? (Please, God, say yes!!).
I don't know how the boys will differ from each other, but I do know there are some things I intend to do differently this time around. Hindsight, is they say, 20/20. With Joshua, the nurses told me I was "slacking" when I didn't wake him up like clockwork every 2-3 hours to nurse him...but oh my goodness I was TIRED! And he was sleeping. And it just seemed really horrible when I was exhausted (and he was apparently also!) to wake him up and try to feed him (when in reality, that wasn't such a smooth process at the beginning either!). This time, I will be feeding my boy when he is hungry and letting him sleep if he's sleepy. Come on, babies for generations have been raised that way and have all done FINE! Obviously, if he starts to lose too much weight or something I will do what I have to do, but I think those nurses made me think he was going to die if I didn't put him to the breast every 2.5 hours on the dot. Geez didn't they think I had enough worries going through my mind already!?
Also, I feel I have more confidence about keeping a baby alive and well this time. It may have been some baby blues in the first two weeks last time, but I seriously remember thinking: Can I really do this? Did I bite off more than I can chew here? I know it's going to be a lot of work this time around as well (DOUBLE the work, really), but I will have lots of help and I know in my heart I can do this. And if, after a few days at home I should start to forget this fact, I will report directly back to this blog post and take a deep breath and affirm what I do know is true in my heart: These boys are my gifts from God, whom He entrusted to me, and He doesn't make mistakes!
I don't know how the boys will differ from each other, but I do know there are some things I intend to do differently this time around. Hindsight, is they say, 20/20. With Joshua, the nurses told me I was "slacking" when I didn't wake him up like clockwork every 2-3 hours to nurse him...but oh my goodness I was TIRED! And he was sleeping. And it just seemed really horrible when I was exhausted (and he was apparently also!) to wake him up and try to feed him (when in reality, that wasn't such a smooth process at the beginning either!). This time, I will be feeding my boy when he is hungry and letting him sleep if he's sleepy. Come on, babies for generations have been raised that way and have all done FINE! Obviously, if he starts to lose too much weight or something I will do what I have to do, but I think those nurses made me think he was going to die if I didn't put him to the breast every 2.5 hours on the dot. Geez didn't they think I had enough worries going through my mind already!?
Also, I feel I have more confidence about keeping a baby alive and well this time. It may have been some baby blues in the first two weeks last time, but I seriously remember thinking: Can I really do this? Did I bite off more than I can chew here? I know it's going to be a lot of work this time around as well (DOUBLE the work, really), but I will have lots of help and I know in my heart I can do this. And if, after a few days at home I should start to forget this fact, I will report directly back to this blog post and take a deep breath and affirm what I do know is true in my heart: These boys are my gifts from God, whom He entrusted to me, and He doesn't make mistakes!
Friday, October 5, 2012
My Next 30 Years
Tomorrow I turn 30 years old...the big 3-0! And while I may at present be quite the opposite of "thirty, flirty, and thriving," I have no qualms whatsoever about leaving my 20's behind and entering a new era of my life.
Many people have asked me recently "How do you feel about turning 30?" and "Are you OK with it?" I find it funny because I guess it never occurred to me not to be OK with it. First of all, getting another year older is something that's going to happen whether I like it or not. I can spend a lot of wasted mental energy "fighting" to stay young or pretending I'm not turning 30, but at the end of the day...I am. And I think with all the craziness out there in the world today and all the bad things that could happen but don't...I'm feeling pretty blessed to be here.
Another reason I'm super OK with turning 30? My life is beyond awesome. Everything I wanted my life to look like at 30...it does. I have a beautiful marriage with a husband who is my best friend and who I love more every day. I have an amazing son who fills each of my days with joy and wonder. I have another son who will be here in about 3 weeks...and the miracle of that experience and what he will be like keeps me up at night and giddy with excitement. I have a family who loves and supports me. I have a Master's degree, my own business, and a house. I have friends who bless my life in ways I could never thank them enough for. And although money is sometimes tight, God has always provided for every single one of our needs. Yes, life is good.
In my next 30 years, I know there will be good times and bad times. I don't know exactly what the future holds. But I do know one thing: The first three decades of my life have been so amazingly blessed that I welcome the future with open arms.
Thank you, God for the gift of life, the gift of love, and all the precious gifts You give me every day.
Many people have asked me recently "How do you feel about turning 30?" and "Are you OK with it?" I find it funny because I guess it never occurred to me not to be OK with it. First of all, getting another year older is something that's going to happen whether I like it or not. I can spend a lot of wasted mental energy "fighting" to stay young or pretending I'm not turning 30, but at the end of the day...I am. And I think with all the craziness out there in the world today and all the bad things that could happen but don't...I'm feeling pretty blessed to be here.
Another reason I'm super OK with turning 30? My life is beyond awesome. Everything I wanted my life to look like at 30...it does. I have a beautiful marriage with a husband who is my best friend and who I love more every day. I have an amazing son who fills each of my days with joy and wonder. I have another son who will be here in about 3 weeks...and the miracle of that experience and what he will be like keeps me up at night and giddy with excitement. I have a family who loves and supports me. I have a Master's degree, my own business, and a house. I have friends who bless my life in ways I could never thank them enough for. And although money is sometimes tight, God has always provided for every single one of our needs. Yes, life is good.
In my next 30 years, I know there will be good times and bad times. I don't know exactly what the future holds. But I do know one thing: The first three decades of my life have been so amazingly blessed that I welcome the future with open arms.
Thank you, God for the gift of life, the gift of love, and all the precious gifts You give me every day.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Nesting, Nesting 1, 2, 3...
Well it's official - my C-section is scheduled for October 29. Which isn't to say this boy still couldn't surprise us and turn around to a nice head-down position before then. And it isn't to say he could surprise us all and come early...but so far all signs are pointing to October 29 as the date when this boy makes his arrival!
And there's just something about seeing the phrase "C-section Day" on the calendar in less than four weeks that is making me want to purge my house of every unnecessary thing and clean like crazy. And that's exactly what I've been doing.
Today, for instance, I de-cluttered the books on our huge bookshelf in the living room. I now have an overflowing box PLUS some other books to be donated to the library this weekend. I'm hoping while my husband's there dropping them off (what, it's not like I can LIFT the things at this stage of life!) he will also get a library card so he has a fun place to take Josh and get new books once Mommy is otherwise occupado with his baby brother. Killing to birds with one stone...lovely!
Yesterday, I cleaned like crazy until my back was KILLING ME and I was sweating...unfortunately it didn't take long (about an hour) for both of these to occur simultaneously. My mind wants to go, go, go, but my body just isn't being as cooperative as I would like it to be. Still, I have to hand it to my body...by all indications it is growing a very healthy baby boy at the moment...I feel I can't ask for much more than that from it being 4 weeks away from delivery.
I also got all the newborn clothes out and washed and put away (HOLY COW are they small!) and I am just praying every day to be ready when this little one arrives. Well, as ready as I'll ever be! Until then, I'm doing as much as I can every day to make this house a home sweet home for my (soon to be) three boys and me!
And there's just something about seeing the phrase "C-section Day" on the calendar in less than four weeks that is making me want to purge my house of every unnecessary thing and clean like crazy. And that's exactly what I've been doing.
Today, for instance, I de-cluttered the books on our huge bookshelf in the living room. I now have an overflowing box PLUS some other books to be donated to the library this weekend. I'm hoping while my husband's there dropping them off (what, it's not like I can LIFT the things at this stage of life!) he will also get a library card so he has a fun place to take Josh and get new books once Mommy is otherwise occupado with his baby brother. Killing to birds with one stone...lovely!
Yesterday, I cleaned like crazy until my back was KILLING ME and I was sweating...unfortunately it didn't take long (about an hour) for both of these to occur simultaneously. My mind wants to go, go, go, but my body just isn't being as cooperative as I would like it to be. Still, I have to hand it to my body...by all indications it is growing a very healthy baby boy at the moment...I feel I can't ask for much more than that from it being 4 weeks away from delivery.
I also got all the newborn clothes out and washed and put away (HOLY COW are they small!) and I am just praying every day to be ready when this little one arrives. Well, as ready as I'll ever be! Until then, I'm doing as much as I can every day to make this house a home sweet home for my (soon to be) three boys and me!
Friday, September 14, 2012
'Tis the Season...
....To make an Advent calendar! I just made this the other day using a linen covered pinboard tile I've had forever, some scrapbook paper and a few Sharpies. Why, you ask? And why now?
One of my major concerns about having another baby is that it's going to limit the time I have with Joshua. Which, I know...it will. And he'll just have to get used to it, and we'll all have some adjusting to do...but it still makes my heart just a little bit sad. Especially because this year he's two, and I think he'll actually have somewhat of an idea of what Christmas is about - so seeing him wake up on Christmas morning this year will be all sorts of fun that it just wasn't before because he was too young.
That being said, I want to try to make this first Christmas season he will remember (hopefully!) a magical one. I want it to be about more than presents under the tree and Santa Claus (though we will definitely have those too!). I want him to have something fun and special to look forward to each day. Which I know will be no easy feat since I will also have a newborn to take care of. But still, I want to make this a special time for Joshua too.
I had to make the calendar now because Lord knows I won't have time to think about such projects when baby boy makes his arrival. So here it is, the middle of September, and I've already got Christmas on the brain.
One of my major concerns about having another baby is that it's going to limit the time I have with Joshua. Which, I know...it will. And he'll just have to get used to it, and we'll all have some adjusting to do...but it still makes my heart just a little bit sad. Especially because this year he's two, and I think he'll actually have somewhat of an idea of what Christmas is about - so seeing him wake up on Christmas morning this year will be all sorts of fun that it just wasn't before because he was too young.
That being said, I want to try to make this first Christmas season he will remember (hopefully!) a magical one. I want it to be about more than presents under the tree and Santa Claus (though we will definitely have those too!). I want him to have something fun and special to look forward to each day. Which I know will be no easy feat since I will also have a newborn to take care of. But still, I want to make this a special time for Joshua too.
I had to make the calendar now because Lord knows I won't have time to think about such projects when baby boy makes his arrival. So here it is, the middle of September, and I've already got Christmas on the brain.
There's just some small thing to do or make or talk about hidden beneath each number. For example, on the 7th it says pick out and decorate Christmas tree. One of the nights is a family slumber party in the living room with the Christmas tree all lit up! Another night is simply watching a Christmas movie, and another is having a candlelit family dinner. Nothing huge, just something to make each day special. Of course, there are also days to read about Christ's birth and sing Christmas songs - we don't want to forget the reason for the season! And some of the days simply say something like go Christmas shopping or wrap presents...because I'm definitely going to need some motivation to do those things once my second son arrives!!
I hope my boy (and someday both boys) will have fun with this and make this Christmas season a very special one!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Small Fries
Last week I had to take BOTH my boys to the doctor because they are...small. Which shouldn't come as a shock to anyone considering their mom is (pre-pregnancy) small and their dad is no football player! However, doctors will be doctors and I have to try to put my mind at ease about it.
Josh had a weight check because since his first birthday he has struggled to gain weight. He has gained some weight, but not at the rate the doctors would like to see. The exact same thing happened to me when I was about 15 months old - from that point on in my life (again, pre-pregnancy!) I, too, struggled to gain weight. Our pediatrician doesn't think there is any reason to be concerned, given the family history, but told me it's just something we're going to have to keep an eye on...for the rest of his life. AWESOME. Still, I am thankful my boy is healthy and seems to be thriving in every other way. He's getting taller, he's talking up a storm, his memory is awesome, and he's very active. Just the other day he "read" an entire book to daddy from memory and the picture cues...I mean seriously, MIT, here we come!! :)
My other boy (still 2 months away from his due date) is now measuring small in utero, which is something that never happened with Josh. The doctor is having me do ultrasounds about every two weeks from here on out to monitor his growth and development. It's hard not to worry, but the doctor says he is just slightly smaller than she would like him to be for his gestational age. She just wants to make sure he is growing and gaining in there - and stated he would probably just be a smaller baby when he's born - maybe 6-7 lbs. rather than 7-8 or 9. That's fine with me! As long as he's healthy and growing, that's all that matters. In other news, the ultrasound revealed he is BREECH right now...UGH! My doctor said he still has time to turn around, so I am VERY hopeful he will. I was so scared to have a vaginal birth the first time around, but now that I know it's not so bad (with an epidural, of course!) I am more terrified of having to have a C-section. Especially since the recovery period is much longer and I already have a toddler at home. I know everything will work out just the way it's supposed to, but here's hoping this boy turns his little booty around (literally) in the very near future!!!
Josh had a weight check because since his first birthday he has struggled to gain weight. He has gained some weight, but not at the rate the doctors would like to see. The exact same thing happened to me when I was about 15 months old - from that point on in my life (again, pre-pregnancy!) I, too, struggled to gain weight. Our pediatrician doesn't think there is any reason to be concerned, given the family history, but told me it's just something we're going to have to keep an eye on...for the rest of his life. AWESOME. Still, I am thankful my boy is healthy and seems to be thriving in every other way. He's getting taller, he's talking up a storm, his memory is awesome, and he's very active. Just the other day he "read" an entire book to daddy from memory and the picture cues...I mean seriously, MIT, here we come!! :)
My other boy (still 2 months away from his due date) is now measuring small in utero, which is something that never happened with Josh. The doctor is having me do ultrasounds about every two weeks from here on out to monitor his growth and development. It's hard not to worry, but the doctor says he is just slightly smaller than she would like him to be for his gestational age. She just wants to make sure he is growing and gaining in there - and stated he would probably just be a smaller baby when he's born - maybe 6-7 lbs. rather than 7-8 or 9. That's fine with me! As long as he's healthy and growing, that's all that matters. In other news, the ultrasound revealed he is BREECH right now...UGH! My doctor said he still has time to turn around, so I am VERY hopeful he will. I was so scared to have a vaginal birth the first time around, but now that I know it's not so bad (with an epidural, of course!) I am more terrified of having to have a C-section. Especially since the recovery period is much longer and I already have a toddler at home. I know everything will work out just the way it's supposed to, but here's hoping this boy turns his little booty around (literally) in the very near future!!!
Friday, July 20, 2012
A Banner for the Boys
We used to have a really cool cream colored castle-thingy hanging on the wall in my son's room just above his changing table. I loved it - it was so unique and cool-looking. It was actually from my room when I was in high school and it worked well in Josh's room too. Until, that is, I was changing his diaper one day and it fell on us. Well, it fell on me. THANK GOODNESS! It just came off the wall - and it was SO HEAVY. Fell right smack on my back. Thankfully Josh didn't get anything more than a good scare. But then we knew it was time for that old castle to go bye-bye.
That was about 6 months ago. Since then, there has been nothing but a big emptiness on that wall. I have long debated about what to put there, but couldn't come up with anything. And with another boy on the way, it has to be something lightweight that couldn't hurt anyone in case there was another, um, mishap.
Enter the pennant banner. I got the idea from this blog I have been loving lately and it was SO simple and easy to make! And cheap! I used scrapbook paper that I already had (which happened to match the existing decor perfectly) and made this cute little banner to add some color and life to the wall.
Ta-da! Seriously, it's just scrapbook paper attached to ribbon with double-sided tape. And I love it! And I know someone else who does too!
That was about 6 months ago. Since then, there has been nothing but a big emptiness on that wall. I have long debated about what to put there, but couldn't come up with anything. And with another boy on the way, it has to be something lightweight that couldn't hurt anyone in case there was another, um, mishap.
Enter the pennant banner. I got the idea from this blog I have been loving lately and it was SO simple and easy to make! And cheap! I used scrapbook paper that I already had (which happened to match the existing decor perfectly) and made this cute little banner to add some color and life to the wall.
Ta-da! Seriously, it's just scrapbook paper attached to ribbon with double-sided tape. And I love it! And I know someone else who does too!
Josh kept staring at it and saying "Hanging on the wall! Hanging on the wall!" He also assured me his baby brother will like it as much as he does.
So I'm feeling pretty proud of myself. Because seriously, I am the least crafty person I know. And I did something that I actually like and actually turned out how I wanted it to!!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Organized Electronics
Above is what my dream electronics drawer would look like. Hardly anything in it, organized, and everything is visible. Neat-o! Below is the actual nightmare of an electronics drawer that I have been living with (and choosing to do nothing about) for 3 years in our current house.
It's not perfect, but LOOK!!! It's organized! Those darn Wii-wheels were the only things that gave me real trouble because they don't fit easily in a storage bin. But now, everything has a home within the home of the electronics drawer. I used a couple tupperware bins for storing video game supplies and music devices/headphones, etc. I used a spare little basket for miscellaneous cords and chargers (only for those items we currently use). Our video camera and camera are neatly in the corner. Some spare red/white/yellow cords are tucked right up front. WHEW! A vast improvement! And the best part? Every bin is labeled so whenever anyone puts anything back (ahem, husband) there is no excuse to not put it back in the proper place!
Well I don't know about you, but I feel a lot better! That's one small step for organizing my house...but it feels like one giant leap for organizing kind! I have lots of other projects (bigger and even better!) swimming around in my brain, so hopefully these next few weeks will continue to be productive ones!
Folks, I'm embarrassed by it, but if you can't put an honest "before" picture on your blog, then where else can you put one!?
Needless to say, something drastic needed to be done. I enlisted the help of my husband and started by taking everything out of the drawer - which wasn't easy, because as you can see, there was one HEAPING HOT MESS OF CORDS IN THERE! But, untangle them we did and ended up finding things that we seriously do not need and more importantly, DO NOT HAVE SPACE FOR! Some fun examples include headphones from Continental Airlines (which I'm pretty sure date back to a trans-Atlantic flight to England circa 2007), a camera for our computer (2 computers ago, we did not have a built in camera!), and cell phone chargers for cell phones we haven't owned in 3 years. EEEK!
After an hour of sorting and organizing, here is what we ended up with:
It's not perfect, but LOOK!!! It's organized! Those darn Wii-wheels were the only things that gave me real trouble because they don't fit easily in a storage bin. But now, everything has a home within the home of the electronics drawer. I used a couple tupperware bins for storing video game supplies and music devices/headphones, etc. I used a spare little basket for miscellaneous cords and chargers (only for those items we currently use). Our video camera and camera are neatly in the corner. Some spare red/white/yellow cords are tucked right up front. WHEW! A vast improvement! And the best part? Every bin is labeled so whenever anyone puts anything back (ahem, husband) there is no excuse to not put it back in the proper place!
Well I don't know about you, but I feel a lot better! That's one small step for organizing my house...but it feels like one giant leap for organizing kind! I have lots of other projects (bigger and even better!) swimming around in my brain, so hopefully these next few weeks will continue to be productive ones!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
The Summer of Getting Stuff Done!
My husband and I (now that we are back from our WONDERFUL vacation to Disney World) have officially declared this: "The Summer of Getting Stuff Done!" We are trying to use the summer (when he's out of school) to do as much as we can around the house: painting, repairs, organizing, cleaning so that we can be ready for when this baby comes! And also...because this is the time of year when we can actually work collaboratively to get some bigger projects done. It's just hard to dedicate much time to organizing and home improvements when you are pregnant and chasing a toddler all day.
Here are some of the projects I have in mind:
1. Continuous, CONSTANT de-cluttering! The logic is: we are adding another family member to this tiny house in the fall and we simply need more room. And we have too much stuff, as I have posted about before. If it doesn't bring us joy or serve a purpose, it's going out the door! We are still contemplating whether or not to have a garage sale or just donate everything - we'll see how truly ambitious we are feeling by the end of August before we make that decision! I am paring down ALL my clothes, and even Josh's clothes (though I know there will be another boy who will need them at some point). But for now, there is clothes overflow...we are going to SIMPLIFY life and keep just what we actually need.
2. Find a place for EVERYTHING - I'm preparing for label-palooza! So much of our problem with stuff is that we don't have a place (ONE PLACE) to put it all...it just gets thrown wherever and stays there until...whenever. Which is sometimes a very, very long time. So we're done living that way - I'm going label-crazy in the hopes that my hubby (and even Josh) will join me in putting things back WHERE THEY BELONG when they are finished with them.
3. DEEP, DEEP cleaning - I am not the type of person who enjoys spring cleaning. Or even regular cleaning. Of course, I like the end result, but I am not a fan of the actual process. I have requested my husband take our son to the lake or playground for a few hours a week so I can pump up the jams and get our house shining like the top of the Chystler Building - hopefully so clean, even Miss Hannigan would be proud.
That's the main list for now - there are other little sub-projects that fall under the above categories, but for now, I'm trying to keep things as simple as possible. Because, after all, isn't that what the decluttering and organizing is all about?
Here are some of the projects I have in mind:
1. Continuous, CONSTANT de-cluttering! The logic is: we are adding another family member to this tiny house in the fall and we simply need more room. And we have too much stuff, as I have posted about before. If it doesn't bring us joy or serve a purpose, it's going out the door! We are still contemplating whether or not to have a garage sale or just donate everything - we'll see how truly ambitious we are feeling by the end of August before we make that decision! I am paring down ALL my clothes, and even Josh's clothes (though I know there will be another boy who will need them at some point). But for now, there is clothes overflow...we are going to SIMPLIFY life and keep just what we actually need.
2. Find a place for EVERYTHING - I'm preparing for label-palooza! So much of our problem with stuff is that we don't have a place (ONE PLACE) to put it all...it just gets thrown wherever and stays there until...whenever. Which is sometimes a very, very long time. So we're done living that way - I'm going label-crazy in the hopes that my hubby (and even Josh) will join me in putting things back WHERE THEY BELONG when they are finished with them.
3. DEEP, DEEP cleaning - I am not the type of person who enjoys spring cleaning. Or even regular cleaning. Of course, I like the end result, but I am not a fan of the actual process. I have requested my husband take our son to the lake or playground for a few hours a week so I can pump up the jams and get our house shining like the top of the Chystler Building - hopefully so clean, even Miss Hannigan would be proud.
That's the main list for now - there are other little sub-projects that fall under the above categories, but for now, I'm trying to keep things as simple as possible. Because, after all, isn't that what the decluttering and organizing is all about?
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
The Happiest Recipes on Earth
Perhaps it's the Disney kid in me, or perhaps it's our upcoming trip to Disney World in 1 month and 2 days (but who's counting?), but I have been thinking of all things Disney lately! Seriously, I'm pretty sure I've got Disney fever...and the only cure? More cowbell! I mean...more Disney!
In preparation for our trip, I have been doing a lot of research on all things Disney. One website I have been on a lot is called Allears.net. It has every menu at every restaurant, every hotel, every attraction, behind the scenes info, etc. Seriously, if you ever just want to get a quick Disney fix (or is it just me?), a visit to the website is sure to put a smile on your face!
The thing I love best about the website is that there are actual recipes from the Disney restaurants there! Not all the recipes, but a lot of them! I guess it's Disney policy that you can ask for any recipe at any restaurant and they will give it to you, no questions asked. How magical is that?!
Anyway, I tried this one out the other night to rave reviews from my hubby and Josh boy:
Katie Coyote's Grilled Chicken Pasta
Whispering Canyon Cafe
Wilderness Lodge
Yield 4 servings
Boursin Cream Sauce
Ingredients1 Cup White Wine
2 Cups Heavy Cream
2 tablespoons Shallots, finely diced
1 Cup Boursin Cheese
1/2 tablespoon Thyme, fresh
1/2 tablespoon Garlic, fresh, chopped
To Taste Salt and Pepper
Method of Preparation1. In a stockpot, add White Wine, chopped Thyme, chopped Garlic, and Shallots and reduce by half.
2. Add Heavy Cream and Boursin Cheese and bring to a boil, then turn down to low heat for about 8 minutes.
3. Season with Salt and Pepper to taste.
4. Strain and set aside.
Roasted Poblano Pepper
Ingredients1/2 tablespoon Olive Oil
To Taste Salt and Pepper
2 Each Poblano Peppers
Method of Preparation1. In a small bowl, add the Olive Oil, Salt, and Pepper, and toss the Poblano Peppers in the mixture to coat.
2. If you have a gas-top stove, place your Poblano Peppers right on top of the burner. Roast the Poblano Peppers on all sides until they are blackened.
3. If you do not have a gas-top stove, you can put them on a baking
sheet in the oven under the broiler, but be sure to keep an eye on them so they do not burn. Broil Poblano Peppers on all sides until they are blackened.
4. Under cold water, peel and de-seed the Peppers and dice. Set aside.
Blackened Chicken Breast
Ingredients2 - 8 ounce Chicken Breasts
To Taste Blackening Seasoning of your choice
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
Method of Preparation
1. Season both sides of the Chicken Breasts with the Blackening Seasoning.
2. Add the Olive oil to a sauté pan and sauté both sides of the
Chicken Breasts until done, then cut into very thin strips (julienned.) Set aside.
Mixed Vegetables
Ingredients1 Each Carrot, sliced
1 Each Red Onion, sliced
1 Each Squash, sliced
1 Each Zucchini, sliced
1 Each Broccoli, chopped
1 Each Red Pepper, sliced very thin (julienned)
Method of Preparation1. Combine all the vegetables together and set aside.
Kate Coyote’s Grilled Chicken Pasta
Ingredients1 tablespoon Olive Oil
Boursin Cream Sauce, prepared as directed
Roasted Poblano Peppers, prepared as directed
Blackened Chicken Breast, prepared as directed
Mixed Vegetables, prepared as directed
Penne Pasta, prepared as directed on the box
Method of Preparation1. In a sauté pan, add 1 tablespon Olive Oil and pre-heat the pan.
2. Add the Chicken and sauté for 5 minutes.
3. Add the Mixed Vegetables, diced Poblano Peppers, and Boursin Cream Sauce. Add Salt and Pepper to taste.
4. Serve over a bed of cooked Pasta.
5. Top with grated Romano Cheese.
It's a bit labor intensive, and I did make a few adjustments - I didn't blacken our chicken because I'm not a fan of anything too spicy. Also, I only used red pepper and zucchini rather than all the other veggies (for cost's sake). Finally, I omitted the poblano pepper step (again - not sure about the spice factor). But the flavor of the sauce was flavor enough for us - the heavy cream with the melted Boursin cheese - DELISH!
I'm planning on trying a few more recipes from the wonderful world of Disney in the month to come. If I find any as delish as this, I will be happy to share!
In preparation for our trip, I have been doing a lot of research on all things Disney. One website I have been on a lot is called Allears.net. It has every menu at every restaurant, every hotel, every attraction, behind the scenes info, etc. Seriously, if you ever just want to get a quick Disney fix (or is it just me?), a visit to the website is sure to put a smile on your face!
The thing I love best about the website is that there are actual recipes from the Disney restaurants there! Not all the recipes, but a lot of them! I guess it's Disney policy that you can ask for any recipe at any restaurant and they will give it to you, no questions asked. How magical is that?!
Anyway, I tried this one out the other night to rave reviews from my hubby and Josh boy:
Katie Coyote's Grilled Chicken Pasta
Whispering Canyon Cafe
Wilderness Lodge
Yield 4 servings
Boursin Cream Sauce
Ingredients1 Cup White Wine
2 Cups Heavy Cream
2 tablespoons Shallots, finely diced
1 Cup Boursin Cheese
1/2 tablespoon Thyme, fresh
1/2 tablespoon Garlic, fresh, chopped
To Taste Salt and Pepper
Method of Preparation1. In a stockpot, add White Wine, chopped Thyme, chopped Garlic, and Shallots and reduce by half.
2. Add Heavy Cream and Boursin Cheese and bring to a boil, then turn down to low heat for about 8 minutes.
3. Season with Salt and Pepper to taste.
4. Strain and set aside.
Roasted Poblano Pepper
Ingredients1/2 tablespoon Olive Oil
To Taste Salt and Pepper
2 Each Poblano Peppers
Method of Preparation1. In a small bowl, add the Olive Oil, Salt, and Pepper, and toss the Poblano Peppers in the mixture to coat.
2. If you have a gas-top stove, place your Poblano Peppers right on top of the burner. Roast the Poblano Peppers on all sides until they are blackened.
3. If you do not have a gas-top stove, you can put them on a baking
sheet in the oven under the broiler, but be sure to keep an eye on them so they do not burn. Broil Poblano Peppers on all sides until they are blackened.
4. Under cold water, peel and de-seed the Peppers and dice. Set aside.
Blackened Chicken Breast
Ingredients2 - 8 ounce Chicken Breasts
To Taste Blackening Seasoning of your choice
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
Method of Preparation
1. Season both sides of the Chicken Breasts with the Blackening Seasoning.
2. Add the Olive oil to a sauté pan and sauté both sides of the
Chicken Breasts until done, then cut into very thin strips (julienned.) Set aside.
Mixed Vegetables
Ingredients1 Each Carrot, sliced
1 Each Red Onion, sliced
1 Each Squash, sliced
1 Each Zucchini, sliced
1 Each Broccoli, chopped
1 Each Red Pepper, sliced very thin (julienned)
Method of Preparation1. Combine all the vegetables together and set aside.
Kate Coyote’s Grilled Chicken Pasta
Ingredients1 tablespoon Olive Oil
Boursin Cream Sauce, prepared as directed
Roasted Poblano Peppers, prepared as directed
Blackened Chicken Breast, prepared as directed
Mixed Vegetables, prepared as directed
Penne Pasta, prepared as directed on the box
Method of Preparation1. In a sauté pan, add 1 tablespon Olive Oil and pre-heat the pan.
2. Add the Chicken and sauté for 5 minutes.
3. Add the Mixed Vegetables, diced Poblano Peppers, and Boursin Cream Sauce. Add Salt and Pepper to taste.
4. Serve over a bed of cooked Pasta.
5. Top with grated Romano Cheese.
It's a bit labor intensive, and I did make a few adjustments - I didn't blacken our chicken because I'm not a fan of anything too spicy. Also, I only used red pepper and zucchini rather than all the other veggies (for cost's sake). Finally, I omitted the poblano pepper step (again - not sure about the spice factor). But the flavor of the sauce was flavor enough for us - the heavy cream with the melted Boursin cheese - DELISH!
Whispering Canyon Cafe @ Fort Wilderness
I'm planning on trying a few more recipes from the wonderful world of Disney in the month to come. If I find any as delish as this, I will be happy to share!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Blessed Beyond Belief
I have been feeling so blessed lately and I just wanted somewhere to write about it - I guess this is the place! The following is a list of things I am very grateful for which have been on my mind lately:
1. Great time with family - Matt's parents and mine were recently just here for a visit - both traveling LONG distances to get here and spoiling our whole family the whole time they were here. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family that loves us so much!
2. Big, huge, unexpected surprises - because seriously, those are just always FUN.
3. That being said, I will soon be finding out the sex of my sweet little baby - and yes, I still feel I will be surprised when the ultrasound tech tells us as I would be the day of delivery...to each his own, but we are super pumped to find out!
4. Health - ours and our family's - my dad's cancer is undetectable at the moment and our family members are enjoying very good health. I have some friends struggling through cancer and other serious illness in their family - my heart just breaks for them. Thankful to God for watching over us.
5. Feeling little flutters in my tummy as I type this - I know people say 17 weeks is too early to feel anything but I DO. And I LOVE IT!!!! Yay for a healthy, sweet new life in there!
I could go on and on, but I seriously have a monster clothes pile that needs folding. I can't say I'm thankful for that - but I should be because it means we have clothes to wear and our needs are being met daily. God is so good. All the time. Just had to share!
1. Great time with family - Matt's parents and mine were recently just here for a visit - both traveling LONG distances to get here and spoiling our whole family the whole time they were here. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family that loves us so much!
2. Big, huge, unexpected surprises - because seriously, those are just always FUN.
3. That being said, I will soon be finding out the sex of my sweet little baby - and yes, I still feel I will be surprised when the ultrasound tech tells us as I would be the day of delivery...to each his own, but we are super pumped to find out!
4. Health - ours and our family's - my dad's cancer is undetectable at the moment and our family members are enjoying very good health. I have some friends struggling through cancer and other serious illness in their family - my heart just breaks for them. Thankful to God for watching over us.
5. Feeling little flutters in my tummy as I type this - I know people say 17 weeks is too early to feel anything but I DO. And I LOVE IT!!!! Yay for a healthy, sweet new life in there!
I could go on and on, but I seriously have a monster clothes pile that needs folding. I can't say I'm thankful for that - but I should be because it means we have clothes to wear and our needs are being met daily. God is so good. All the time. Just had to share!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Memorial Day Weekend
Well I wanted to be better about posting with more regularity, but I guess that hasn't been working out so well! We have been very busy (as usual!) and I am still trying to get my energy to a normal level...which I'm pretty sure will actually happen when baby # 2 goes off to college. This way, if it happens sooner, I'll just be pleasantly surprised.
We just had a very nice visit with my husband's parents and celebrated my sweet boy's SECOND birthday! I can't believe he's two already - I literally reached for the little number 2 candle for his birthday cupcake and starting crying right in the store. SO embarrassing. I'm chalking it up to pregnancy hormones. Because I can.
In other news, my parents are now currently en route to my house! We've had a busy few weeks of house guests, but it has been/will be wonderful to see everyone. We plan to celebrate Memorial Day weekend outside (it's supposed to be beautiful). Our neighborhood is having a big to-do with kids' games, hot dogs, cotton candy, face painting, etc. I'm sure little Josh will love it. Then there will be the parade on Monday morning, a cookout with friends on Monday afternoon, and date night on Monday night!
It will be a most special date night indeed, because I'm surprising my husband with a special dinner out to celebrate a major accomplishment - he has recently received notice he got tenure at the school where he teaches! I am SO proud of him for how hard he has worked, and sticking with the job/district even when the going got VERY tough. We certainly are giving ALL the glory to God, who not only continues to provide us with everything we need, but who has drawn us closer to Him and Matt and I closer as husband and wife through these last few (at times trying) years.
When Matt first found out he got the job 4 years ago, we celebrated by going to the Melting Pot for a four course fondue dinner. Now, 4 years later, I am surprising Matt with dinner at the Melting Pot again - it seems fitting, don't you think? Yes, it's expensive, but this man surely deserves a splurge!
That's the news for now - I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday and will probably be able to schedule the ultrasound then. I can't WAIT to find out if it's a little boy or a little girl in there! I'll keep you posted!! Have a great weekend!
We just had a very nice visit with my husband's parents and celebrated my sweet boy's SECOND birthday! I can't believe he's two already - I literally reached for the little number 2 candle for his birthday cupcake and starting crying right in the store. SO embarrassing. I'm chalking it up to pregnancy hormones. Because I can.
In other news, my parents are now currently en route to my house! We've had a busy few weeks of house guests, but it has been/will be wonderful to see everyone. We plan to celebrate Memorial Day weekend outside (it's supposed to be beautiful). Our neighborhood is having a big to-do with kids' games, hot dogs, cotton candy, face painting, etc. I'm sure little Josh will love it. Then there will be the parade on Monday morning, a cookout with friends on Monday afternoon, and date night on Monday night!
It will be a most special date night indeed, because I'm surprising my husband with a special dinner out to celebrate a major accomplishment - he has recently received notice he got tenure at the school where he teaches! I am SO proud of him for how hard he has worked, and sticking with the job/district even when the going got VERY tough. We certainly are giving ALL the glory to God, who not only continues to provide us with everything we need, but who has drawn us closer to Him and Matt and I closer as husband and wife through these last few (at times trying) years.
When Matt first found out he got the job 4 years ago, we celebrated by going to the Melting Pot for a four course fondue dinner. Now, 4 years later, I am surprising Matt with dinner at the Melting Pot again - it seems fitting, don't you think? Yes, it's expensive, but this man surely deserves a splurge!
That's the news for now - I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday and will probably be able to schedule the ultrasound then. I can't WAIT to find out if it's a little boy or a little girl in there! I'll keep you posted!! Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
I'm Back, Preggo, and Better Than Ever!
Sorry I've been absent for...oh dear, I guess it's been over 2 months now! Well I have to say, after the long wait (seven months but it seemed like forever to us!) we are FINALLY pregnant!! And not only that, but I am at the very start of my SECOND TRIMESTER! One down, two to go!
I have to say I can't complain about my pregnancy thus far too much (especially because I longed for it!) but I definitely had my share of feeling sick. BLECH. I never actually GOT sick (again, I shouldn't be complaining!) but I felt sick all the time for the better part of 5 weeks. I know most women have it WAY worse than that, so I will just say that I was simply feeling too tired and sick and out of it to write for a while. But I'm feeling much better now so I will try to keep up posting with a little more regularity!
Needless to say, my husband and I are completely thrilled and anxiously awaiting our November 5th due date to meet this new little addition to our family. I have to say this pregnancy is different in a lot of ways - some days I hardly have time to remember I'm pregnant because I'm so busy chasing my toddler around and attempting to keep my house in SOME sort of order. And it hasn't been pretty around here, I must admit! I do believe the floors just got scrubbed on Monday for the first time all trimester. Please don't judge me. Actually, judge away. I'm still too tired to care!
Thankfully, my husband has been amazing throughout everything - majorly stepping up to the plate doing dishes, laundry, and even cleaning out the fridge (because he knew it would make me barf). It's times like these I really stop and thank God for the amazing man he gave me as a husband and the father of my child(ren)!
All right, no more time to gush - I've got cleaning to do and Sesame Street is only on for another half hour - time for this mama to get busssssy!
I have to say I can't complain about my pregnancy thus far too much (especially because I longed for it!) but I definitely had my share of feeling sick. BLECH. I never actually GOT sick (again, I shouldn't be complaining!) but I felt sick all the time for the better part of 5 weeks. I know most women have it WAY worse than that, so I will just say that I was simply feeling too tired and sick and out of it to write for a while. But I'm feeling much better now so I will try to keep up posting with a little more regularity!
Needless to say, my husband and I are completely thrilled and anxiously awaiting our November 5th due date to meet this new little addition to our family. I have to say this pregnancy is different in a lot of ways - some days I hardly have time to remember I'm pregnant because I'm so busy chasing my toddler around and attempting to keep my house in SOME sort of order. And it hasn't been pretty around here, I must admit! I do believe the floors just got scrubbed on Monday for the first time all trimester. Please don't judge me. Actually, judge away. I'm still too tired to care!
Thankfully, my husband has been amazing throughout everything - majorly stepping up to the plate doing dishes, laundry, and even cleaning out the fridge (because he knew it would make me barf). It's times like these I really stop and thank God for the amazing man he gave me as a husband and the father of my child(ren)!
All right, no more time to gush - I've got cleaning to do and Sesame Street is only on for another half hour - time for this mama to get busssssy!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Make it March
Last month Josh and I had Fort February. This month, we are moving on to "Make It March." We're going to spend some time in the kitchen, making some easy, yummy recipes and decorating/setting the table.
Today we made place mats which we will use at dinner tonight. Josh and I colored on blank white paper with crayons - nothing fancy, no oil paints or anything like that. Just some delightful scribbles from my budding little Picasso. I'm sure Daddy will at least get a kick out of them when he comes home for dinner tonight. Unfortunately, our place mat-making session had to be cut short early when Josh started coloring with crayon all over the cute little kid-sized chair that Grandma & Grandpa got him for Christmas. Not good! We're hoping to develop the skill of knowing where to keep crayons (ahem, on the paper!).
Here are some kid-friendly (well toddler friendly, I hope) recipes we may be trying out in the next few weeks:
Rice Roll Ups
Stir 2 tablespoons shredded carrot, 1 tablespoon sweet-and-sour sauce, and 1/8 teaspoon salt into 3/4 cup cooked brown rice. Spoon 2 tablespoons of rice mixture onto a thin slice of deli roast beef. Top with a slice each of red pepper and avocado; then roll up. Cut rolls in half diagonally. Repeat steps to make 12 pieces.
Cheesy Bruschetta
Slice a 1/2-pound whole-grain baguette into 16 pieces and arrange them on a baking sheet. Bake at 450 degrees F. for 6 to 8 minutes or until just toasted, turning once. In a small bowl, stir together 2 seeded and chopped Roma tomatoes, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon fresh basil, salt, and pepper. Spoon mixture onto each bread slice. Sprinkle with shredded mozzarella cheese. Return to oven and bake 2 minutes, or until cheese is melted.
(both recipes taken from Parents.com)
Clover Cookies (in honor of St. Patty's Day!)
2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup butter at room temperature
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
1 tbsp. vanilla extract
Green food coloring
Measure the flour, baking soda and salt into a medium-sized bowl. Stir well
and set aside.
In a large bowl, cream the butter and sugar with an electric mixer for about
1 minute. Add the egg and vanilla extract and mix until well combined.
Gradually add the flour mixture to the butter and sugar, mixing well after
each addition. The dough should be stiff.
Add several drops of green food coloring. Knead the dough until the color is
evenly distributed. (Make sure children wash their hands immediately after
kneading--food coloring can be messy.)
Gather the dough into two balls, flatten into disks beginning at the edge of
the dough and working toward the center. Cover with plastic and chill for at
least 2 hours or overnight.
After the dough has chilled, place one half on a large piece of plastic wrap,
cover with another piece of plastic wrap and then roll until it is 1/4-inch
thick. Lift off the top sheet of plastic wrap and cut out shamrocks, beginning
at the edge of the dough and working toward the center.
Place each shamrock on an ungreased baking sheet. Heat the oven to 350
degrees. Bake for 8 minutes or until the edges begin to lightly brown. Remove to
a rack to cool. For particularly festive shamrocks, decorate them with green
candies or frosting.Makes about 34.
(recipe taken from FamilyFun.com).
Today we made place mats which we will use at dinner tonight. Josh and I colored on blank white paper with crayons - nothing fancy, no oil paints or anything like that. Just some delightful scribbles from my budding little Picasso. I'm sure Daddy will at least get a kick out of them when he comes home for dinner tonight. Unfortunately, our place mat-making session had to be cut short early when Josh started coloring with crayon all over the cute little kid-sized chair that Grandma & Grandpa got him for Christmas. Not good! We're hoping to develop the skill of knowing where to keep crayons (ahem, on the paper!).
Here are some kid-friendly (well toddler friendly, I hope) recipes we may be trying out in the next few weeks:
Rice Roll Ups
Stir 2 tablespoons shredded carrot, 1 tablespoon sweet-and-sour sauce, and 1/8 teaspoon salt into 3/4 cup cooked brown rice. Spoon 2 tablespoons of rice mixture onto a thin slice of deli roast beef. Top with a slice each of red pepper and avocado; then roll up. Cut rolls in half diagonally. Repeat steps to make 12 pieces.
Cheesy Bruschetta
Slice a 1/2-pound whole-grain baguette into 16 pieces and arrange them on a baking sheet. Bake at 450 degrees F. for 6 to 8 minutes or until just toasted, turning once. In a small bowl, stir together 2 seeded and chopped Roma tomatoes, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon fresh basil, salt, and pepper. Spoon mixture onto each bread slice. Sprinkle with shredded mozzarella cheese. Return to oven and bake 2 minutes, or until cheese is melted.
(both recipes taken from Parents.com)
Clover Cookies (in honor of St. Patty's Day!)
2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup butter at room temperature
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
1 tbsp. vanilla extract
Green food coloring
Measure the flour, baking soda and salt into a medium-sized bowl. Stir well
and set aside.
In a large bowl, cream the butter and sugar with an electric mixer for about
1 minute. Add the egg and vanilla extract and mix until well combined.
Gradually add the flour mixture to the butter and sugar, mixing well after
each addition. The dough should be stiff.
Add several drops of green food coloring. Knead the dough until the color is
evenly distributed. (Make sure children wash their hands immediately after
kneading--food coloring can be messy.)
Gather the dough into two balls, flatten into disks beginning at the edge of
the dough and working toward the center. Cover with plastic and chill for at
least 2 hours or overnight.
After the dough has chilled, place one half on a large piece of plastic wrap,
cover with another piece of plastic wrap and then roll until it is 1/4-inch
thick. Lift off the top sheet of plastic wrap and cut out shamrocks, beginning
at the edge of the dough and working toward the center.
Place each shamrock on an ungreased baking sheet. Heat the oven to 350
degrees. Bake for 8 minutes or until the edges begin to lightly brown. Remove to
a rack to cool. For particularly festive shamrocks, decorate them with green
candies or frosting.Makes about 34.
(recipe taken from FamilyFun.com).
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
God of My Destiny
I know I keep talking about the Beth Moore Bible Study I am in right now, but it is just that good! So I'm going to keep talking about it, for anyone who is willing to listen!
We are studying the book of Esther, which Beth calls "the weirdest book of the entire Bible." How's that for a grabber? But it is so amazing the life truths she extracts from the Scriptures and how much I am learning through the study!
This week she discusses the idea of destiny, and how we have such a poor grasp on the concept. Anyway, I'll spare you my commentary since Beth is the brilliant theologian and I am not. But here's a brief list of what I learned about my God and my destiny this week:
1. God is just as purposeful about what He doesn't reveal as He is about what He does. Simply put, God isn't always going to tell us the "why" for every little thing (or big thing) that happens. So I just need to stop trying to figure Him out - seriously He's the infinite God of the universe - what He chooses to reveal of Himself should be enough for me! And as a favorite pastor of mine always says, "The main things are the plain things!" God is calling us to FAITH - I have to learn to trust Him with my destiny, that is, my future.
2. Any place God puts us is for a reason. I currently work at a place I said I would never work, and live in a state I thought I would definitely never live in. If that doesn't tell me just how little I know, I don't know what does!! And my current job is SO flexible, it allows me to do my real job (being a mommy) much more often. And my current residence in my current state is a place filled with blessings, sweet family, and dear friends. I couldn't have imagined a better circumstance for my life - how amazing it is that God has better plans for me than I have for myself!!
3. God already knows my destiny. "Know that the Lord Himself is God; it is He who has made us and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture." - Psalm 100:3 I couldn't be more thankful for this. I have NO idea what's going to happen next in my life, my husband's, or my son's. But God DOES. He has plans to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11) and He IS TRUSTWORTHY.
Don't mean to preach; this has really been more for me than any of you who might be reading this. But isn't it cool to know that it actually does apply to all of us? We are HIS people! Made for Him and not for ourselves. Made for His purposes - and to receive His amazing blessings.
We are studying the book of Esther, which Beth calls "the weirdest book of the entire Bible." How's that for a grabber? But it is so amazing the life truths she extracts from the Scriptures and how much I am learning through the study!
This week she discusses the idea of destiny, and how we have such a poor grasp on the concept. Anyway, I'll spare you my commentary since Beth is the brilliant theologian and I am not. But here's a brief list of what I learned about my God and my destiny this week:
1. God is just as purposeful about what He doesn't reveal as He is about what He does. Simply put, God isn't always going to tell us the "why" for every little thing (or big thing) that happens. So I just need to stop trying to figure Him out - seriously He's the infinite God of the universe - what He chooses to reveal of Himself should be enough for me! And as a favorite pastor of mine always says, "The main things are the plain things!" God is calling us to FAITH - I have to learn to trust Him with my destiny, that is, my future.
2. Any place God puts us is for a reason. I currently work at a place I said I would never work, and live in a state I thought I would definitely never live in. If that doesn't tell me just how little I know, I don't know what does!! And my current job is SO flexible, it allows me to do my real job (being a mommy) much more often. And my current residence in my current state is a place filled with blessings, sweet family, and dear friends. I couldn't have imagined a better circumstance for my life - how amazing it is that God has better plans for me than I have for myself!!
3. God already knows my destiny. "Know that the Lord Himself is God; it is He who has made us and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture." - Psalm 100:3 I couldn't be more thankful for this. I have NO idea what's going to happen next in my life, my husband's, or my son's. But God DOES. He has plans to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11) and He IS TRUSTWORTHY.
Don't mean to preach; this has really been more for me than any of you who might be reading this. But isn't it cool to know that it actually does apply to all of us? We are HIS people! Made for Him and not for ourselves. Made for His purposes - and to receive His amazing blessings.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Miscarriage of Justice
My heart is heavy today as I just learned yesterday that a very dear friend of mine has suffered a miscarriage. She was about 8 weeks pregnant and had just gotten used to the idea of being pregnant again - her daughter will be 1 in May! Of course, she is heartbroken, as anyone would be. Hearing her talk about everything yesterday just made me think...it's not fair!
And no, it's not. She said it was especially difficult for her to see the baby on the ultrasound and then learn that they could not detect a heartbeat. She stated, "I'm not trying to get all political but it was so apparent to me in that moment that a life is a life, even that new of a life" and it angered her that some people choose to stop life at that precious, vulnerable state. I'm sure it's the whole gamut of emotions one experiences when grieving - sadness, anger, guilt, and so many others.
I hope and pray my sweet friend can be comforted by her darling daughter during this difficult time. I know it's not fair, but I also know God is on the throne, still sovereign even in the depths of our despair. For whatever reason, that young life was cut short - and all we can do is trust that He has a plan to work things out for our good. I heard someone say once that if things worked out perfectly all the time, we would have little reason for faith and dependence on God. Ultimately, if it brings us closer to Him, the pain will be worth it.
That being said, my friend stated "I wouldn't wish this on anyone." And I have to agree with her. It makes me think of my own struggles trying to conceive and somehow, those struggles pale in comparison. I honestly think I'd rather just have one child than have to go through a miscarriage. But as my husband so rightly said last night, "That's not for us to decide."
Everything happens for a reason - it seems cliche because it's a phrase we hear so much, and it doesn't seem to bring much comfort in a time like this.
I prefer: And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those that are called according to His purpose. - Romans 8:28
That's one of my favorite verses in the whole Bible. Because I can know (not just think or postulate or guess) that God causes (not me causing by attempts to control) all things (not just some things or easy things) to work together for good and for His purpose (which, let's face it...is always better than my own).
If you think of it today, please pray for my friend and her husband. I know she would truly appreciate it.
And no, it's not. She said it was especially difficult for her to see the baby on the ultrasound and then learn that they could not detect a heartbeat. She stated, "I'm not trying to get all political but it was so apparent to me in that moment that a life is a life, even that new of a life" and it angered her that some people choose to stop life at that precious, vulnerable state. I'm sure it's the whole gamut of emotions one experiences when grieving - sadness, anger, guilt, and so many others.
I hope and pray my sweet friend can be comforted by her darling daughter during this difficult time. I know it's not fair, but I also know God is on the throne, still sovereign even in the depths of our despair. For whatever reason, that young life was cut short - and all we can do is trust that He has a plan to work things out for our good. I heard someone say once that if things worked out perfectly all the time, we would have little reason for faith and dependence on God. Ultimately, if it brings us closer to Him, the pain will be worth it.
That being said, my friend stated "I wouldn't wish this on anyone." And I have to agree with her. It makes me think of my own struggles trying to conceive and somehow, those struggles pale in comparison. I honestly think I'd rather just have one child than have to go through a miscarriage. But as my husband so rightly said last night, "That's not for us to decide."
Everything happens for a reason - it seems cliche because it's a phrase we hear so much, and it doesn't seem to bring much comfort in a time like this.
I prefer: And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those that are called according to His purpose. - Romans 8:28
That's one of my favorite verses in the whole Bible. Because I can know (not just think or postulate or guess) that God causes (not me causing by attempts to control) all things (not just some things or easy things) to work together for good and for His purpose (which, let's face it...is always better than my own).
If you think of it today, please pray for my friend and her husband. I know she would truly appreciate it.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
A Declutter A Day...
I have blogged before on how I feel at times like I am being eaten alive by "stuff." Well, perhaps I never used that exact metaphor, but today...that's how I feel. I know I initiated the Throw 30 Things program (still waiting for the all rights reserved R for that one!) and I still think it's a good idea. But in addition, I have decided it's time for a major purge of a whole lot of stuff!
I have been reading up on decluttering and the best ways to go about it - so far, I think the best strategy I have found is to declutter for 15 minutes a day. I found this on Flylady.net, a website I have referenced here before. "Flylady" makes a good point: "Anyone can do anything for 15 minutes a day!"
So true. I think a big part of the reason I avoid getting rid of stuff is that it seems like an overwhelming task. Because, again, at the risk of beating a dead horse: there's just SO much stuff! I feel like I have to wait for a weekend off to tackle a major project because I dread it and I worry that it will take me hours upon hours to complete. When in reality, if I just committed 15 minutes a day to it, room by room, I bet I could have this little old house decluttered in just a few months. And then it will be easier to clean...and just a joy to live in!
I'm still going to throw 30 things...but I've got to start this 15 minutes a day thing also. I can't wait to see the progress! Wish me luck! Today I'm starting in the master bedroom - 15 minutes, no more, no less. Here goes nothing!
I have blogged before on how I feel at times like I am being eaten alive by "stuff." Well, perhaps I never used that exact metaphor, but today...that's how I feel. I know I initiated the Throw 30 Things program (still waiting for the all rights reserved R for that one!) and I still think it's a good idea. But in addition, I have decided it's time for a major purge of a whole lot of stuff!
I have been reading up on decluttering and the best ways to go about it - so far, I think the best strategy I have found is to declutter for 15 minutes a day. I found this on Flylady.net, a website I have referenced here before. "Flylady" makes a good point: "Anyone can do anything for 15 minutes a day!"
So true. I think a big part of the reason I avoid getting rid of stuff is that it seems like an overwhelming task. Because, again, at the risk of beating a dead horse: there's just SO much stuff! I feel like I have to wait for a weekend off to tackle a major project because I dread it and I worry that it will take me hours upon hours to complete. When in reality, if I just committed 15 minutes a day to it, room by room, I bet I could have this little old house decluttered in just a few months. And then it will be easier to clean...and just a joy to live in!
I'm still going to throw 30 things...but I've got to start this 15 minutes a day thing also. I can't wait to see the progress! Wish me luck! Today I'm starting in the master bedroom - 15 minutes, no more, no less. Here goes nothing!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Modest Mouse
Just today I saw (via Pinterest) one of my Young Life girls had repinned a photo to her "My Style" board. The picture was a woman essentially wearing a thin piece of cloth tied into a ribbon right by her breasts and super short jean shorts. So her navel was exposed, her thighs were exposed...and her ta tas were practically exposed!! Most alarming of all, the high school girls' caption below the picture: "So unbelievably cute."
I hate to rant and rave (and I know I sound old-fashioned here, but it's my blog and I'll be cranky if I want to), but COME ON! What is so unbelievably cute about walking around NAKED!? Well, unless you're my toddler, son, of course. Hey, there are exceptions to every rule.
Just this week in our Bible study, Beth Moore (the author) talked about the lie that we women perpetuate every time we expose our breasts, and every other area for everyone to see - of course, this excludes husbands. The lie is that we are pieces of meat, and that we feel no power or significance and so we seek power and significance from men's, and even women's wayward glances. This is especially alarming because those of us who are married would like our men's eyes to just stay on us!
I can't even imagine what my poor husband has to deal with all day long at the high school where he works...so many of the young women today are buying into this lie that the only way they are worth something is if they are considered "beautiful" by the world's standards and can gain a man's attention by using her own body.
I won't lie and say I've never struggled with perpetuating this lie...in college (even when dating my amazing husband!) I probably got too much of a thrill when someone gave me a second look and I know some of my outfits were put on with the hope that it would turn someones head - maybe the one I was dating, or maybe someone else. EW...thinking back to that makes me sick!
I'm also not saying I'm now immune to such thoughts, but I have definitely come a long way, with God's help. I agree with what Beth Moore said: "We can be beautiful, darling, adorable women...and still cover up our private parts!!" WORD.
I know I'm probably in a minority of women who feel this way, but I'm just putting it out there. I'd like to think my power and significance come from something greater than my body (especially now that it's been through pregnancy!). If I ever have a daughter, she probably won't want to be my friend during her teenage years - you know, the ones where her father and I will say: "You must be crazy if you think you're leaving the house like that, young lady!" But I'm fine with that. And even if I never have a daughter, I'd like to at least convey to the Young Life girls I work with that they are already powerful, significant women, not because of how they look or how they dress, but because of God's love for them.
That's it. That's all. Ok, love me or leave me...this is Modest Mouse, signing out for the weekend!
Your adornment must not be merely external - braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a quiet and gentle spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. - 1 Peter 3:3-4
I hate to rant and rave (and I know I sound old-fashioned here, but it's my blog and I'll be cranky if I want to), but COME ON! What is so unbelievably cute about walking around NAKED!? Well, unless you're my toddler, son, of course. Hey, there are exceptions to every rule.
Just this week in our Bible study, Beth Moore (the author) talked about the lie that we women perpetuate every time we expose our breasts, and every other area for everyone to see - of course, this excludes husbands. The lie is that we are pieces of meat, and that we feel no power or significance and so we seek power and significance from men's, and even women's wayward glances. This is especially alarming because those of us who are married would like our men's eyes to just stay on us!
I can't even imagine what my poor husband has to deal with all day long at the high school where he works...so many of the young women today are buying into this lie that the only way they are worth something is if they are considered "beautiful" by the world's standards and can gain a man's attention by using her own body.
I won't lie and say I've never struggled with perpetuating this lie...in college (even when dating my amazing husband!) I probably got too much of a thrill when someone gave me a second look and I know some of my outfits were put on with the hope that it would turn someones head - maybe the one I was dating, or maybe someone else. EW...thinking back to that makes me sick!
I'm also not saying I'm now immune to such thoughts, but I have definitely come a long way, with God's help. I agree with what Beth Moore said: "We can be beautiful, darling, adorable women...and still cover up our private parts!!" WORD.
I know I'm probably in a minority of women who feel this way, but I'm just putting it out there. I'd like to think my power and significance come from something greater than my body (especially now that it's been through pregnancy!). If I ever have a daughter, she probably won't want to be my friend during her teenage years - you know, the ones where her father and I will say: "You must be crazy if you think you're leaving the house like that, young lady!" But I'm fine with that. And even if I never have a daughter, I'd like to at least convey to the Young Life girls I work with that they are already powerful, significant women, not because of how they look or how they dress, but because of God's love for them.
That's it. That's all. Ok, love me or leave me...this is Modest Mouse, signing out for the weekend!
Your adornment must not be merely external - braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a quiet and gentle spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. - 1 Peter 3:3-4
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Eggs, Eggs Baby
Per my doctor's instructions I am using an ovulation predictor kit (OPK) this month. It's so weird - every morning I wait for those two little lines to appear - but so far, there's only been one.
So no ovulating yet, according to the OPK. It's kind of unnerving...I'm about halfway through my cycle (well, supposedly...who really knows??) and nothing has happened yet. According to the ovulation predictor on Babycenter.com, I was "supposed" to have ovulated between the 11th and the 16th of this month.
Granted, I know today is the 16th, and I know that the predictor is a computer without a brain, it doesn't know me, it doesn't know my body...but I'm beginning to think I don't either! I'm beginning to think it's got a mind of its own!
So I'm going to have to keep on praying, keep on reminding myself that God is in control, keep on trusting that things happen for a reason...and keep on waiting for that other doggone line to make an appearance!
I'm sure one of these days (well after my second child is born and has the capacity to make mommy crazy by emptying the contents of a bookshelf or throwing all their food on the floor), I will look back and laugh about this. I'm sure then I'll be reminding myself just how badly I wanted this second child...and I'll try to loosen up in that moment (though it wouldn't hurt to start right now!) and thank God for the little blessing that I had to wait for.
So no ovulating yet, according to the OPK. It's kind of unnerving...I'm about halfway through my cycle (well, supposedly...who really knows??) and nothing has happened yet. According to the ovulation predictor on Babycenter.com, I was "supposed" to have ovulated between the 11th and the 16th of this month.
Granted, I know today is the 16th, and I know that the predictor is a computer without a brain, it doesn't know me, it doesn't know my body...but I'm beginning to think I don't either! I'm beginning to think it's got a mind of its own!
So I'm going to have to keep on praying, keep on reminding myself that God is in control, keep on trusting that things happen for a reason...and keep on waiting for that other doggone line to make an appearance!
I'm sure one of these days (well after my second child is born and has the capacity to make mommy crazy by emptying the contents of a bookshelf or throwing all their food on the floor), I will look back and laugh about this. I'm sure then I'll be reminding myself just how badly I wanted this second child...and I'll try to loosen up in that moment (though it wouldn't hurt to start right now!) and thank God for the little blessing that I had to wait for.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Pants on the Ground
My child....will not....keep...his clothes ON.
No matter what he is wearing - he's like Houdini, I swear - he can get out of anything.
This is a recent development. The past few days, he has been experimenting with unsnapping and unzipping his pajamas so that when I go into his room in the morning, he has one arm in and one arm out. Perhaps he's been noticing the one-shoulder dresses popping up all over the runways lately. Regardless, it was cute. Note the use of was.
But now Mister Big Boy likes to be just plain naked! He knows how to take off socks, pants and diaper. And no matter how many times I keep dressing him, he just keeps taking everything off. I even asked my friend (and mother of four) "What should I do?! Ignore it? Let him run around like that? Just stop bothering to dress him altogether?"
She laughed and said her kids ran around essentially naked until they started preschool. I'm beginning to see why!!
I had to consult my Parents Magazine archives on this one. Yes, I'm a huge nerd and I rip out articles that I think will be helpful to me in the future - separating them into categories, putting the articles in sheet protectors, and then putting them in cute binders for later use. I know I could probably type in a search on their website, but I like having everything at my fingertips. And you wouldn't believe how much they have come in handy so far! My husband makes fun of me and whenever I tell him about a new fun "stage" Josh is going through, he laughs and says, "Perhaps it's time to consult the archives" or "Good thing you have the archives" - I think he just likes using the word "archives."
So here's what an old Parents article (yes, from the archives) has to say on the matter of toddlers who run around stark naked:
"If the stripping makes you uncomfortable, set limits. Some parents choose to let their toddler run around naked at home or in their backyard but not in public. After a while, your child should lose interest in baring it all. But if you make a big deal about it now by yelling or laughing uncontrollably, he may continue doing it to get a rise out of you. Avoid labeling the behavior as 'naughty.' You want to encourage your kid's curiosity without instilling shame" (Parents, July 2010, p. 158).
The last thing I want to do is instill shame. But the last thing I want Josh to do is keep stripping - especially in the dead of winter! For now, I'm just going to try not to make a big deal about it and re-dress him only when necessary. I just feel guilty when his little toes get cold without socks...and as much as I love the sight of his cute little bum-bum, it needs to stay warm too!
Despite the teasing from my husband, I'm so glad I have the archives at my disposal...if I asked him for advice, I'm pretty sure he would say "if you can't beat 'em, join em!" Then we'd really be in trouble!!!
No matter what he is wearing - he's like Houdini, I swear - he can get out of anything.
This is a recent development. The past few days, he has been experimenting with unsnapping and unzipping his pajamas so that when I go into his room in the morning, he has one arm in and one arm out. Perhaps he's been noticing the one-shoulder dresses popping up all over the runways lately. Regardless, it was cute. Note the use of was.
But now Mister Big Boy likes to be just plain naked! He knows how to take off socks, pants and diaper. And no matter how many times I keep dressing him, he just keeps taking everything off. I even asked my friend (and mother of four) "What should I do?! Ignore it? Let him run around like that? Just stop bothering to dress him altogether?"
She laughed and said her kids ran around essentially naked until they started preschool. I'm beginning to see why!!
I had to consult my Parents Magazine archives on this one. Yes, I'm a huge nerd and I rip out articles that I think will be helpful to me in the future - separating them into categories, putting the articles in sheet protectors, and then putting them in cute binders for later use. I know I could probably type in a search on their website, but I like having everything at my fingertips. And you wouldn't believe how much they have come in handy so far! My husband makes fun of me and whenever I tell him about a new fun "stage" Josh is going through, he laughs and says, "Perhaps it's time to consult the archives" or "Good thing you have the archives" - I think he just likes using the word "archives."
So here's what an old Parents article (yes, from the archives) has to say on the matter of toddlers who run around stark naked:
"If the stripping makes you uncomfortable, set limits. Some parents choose to let their toddler run around naked at home or in their backyard but not in public. After a while, your child should lose interest in baring it all. But if you make a big deal about it now by yelling or laughing uncontrollably, he may continue doing it to get a rise out of you. Avoid labeling the behavior as 'naughty.' You want to encourage your kid's curiosity without instilling shame" (Parents, July 2010, p. 158).
The last thing I want to do is instill shame. But the last thing I want Josh to do is keep stripping - especially in the dead of winter! For now, I'm just going to try not to make a big deal about it and re-dress him only when necessary. I just feel guilty when his little toes get cold without socks...and as much as I love the sight of his cute little bum-bum, it needs to stay warm too!
Despite the teasing from my husband, I'm so glad I have the archives at my disposal...if I asked him for advice, I'm pretty sure he would say "if you can't beat 'em, join em!" Then we'd really be in trouble!!!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The Most Important Job in the World
I'm working (at the hospital) three days this week - ick! I mean I like my job (most of the time) but it's making me very tired and very cranky to have to be away from home and my boy. I hate that the housework falls by the wayside (more so than usual!) when I work and the laundry piles up, seemingly taunting me every time I go near the hamper. UGH, hats off to working moms and single moms - it's just plain not for me!
I am so glad I have today off (and by off I mean catching up with my boy, catching up with housework, and smacking some of that sassy laundry around). Seriously, the days off make me appreciate my favorite job, my real job so much more than if I was just home all the time I think. Not to mention it helps the family stay financially afloat. So I know it's a good thing, it's a flexible job and I pretty much get to choose when I work. Not many people can say that! I'm trying to count my blessings.
I think one of the reasons it's hardest for me to work (especially during the week when I have to take Josh to a sitter - who, thankfully, we adore and she adores our boy) is that I don't consider being a hospital social worker my real job. Being a wife and mom is, I believe a very high calling - not everyone is called to it, but those who are - well they are very blessed and very challenged. Challenged to find balance between home and work, challenged to make the home a place of comfort and joy, and challenged to raise up the next generation - our precious children! We are challenged to cultivate a marriage that helps our children to feel safe and secure - and one that brings us closer to God as we become closer to our spouse.
Some friends and I are studying the book of Esther in Bible study right now and the title of the study is: Esther: It's Tough To Be a Woman! Beth Moore is the author - and she's really wonderful. In one of the video portions of the study, Beth read a letter from a woman who discussed why it's tough for her to be a woman. The woman wrote about being a mother and feeling like it can be such a thankless job so much of the time that it didn't seem to her that what she was doing as a mom was a very important job at all.
I have been haunted by hearing that ever since. I felt so bad for that woman, my heart completely went out to her. I came home from Bible study that night and told my husband what she had said and how it stuck with me. I seriously looked at him, with tears in my eyes and said, "Thank you for making me feel like I have the most important job in the world. Thank you for working so hard so that I can do my job well and be here to raise our son."
And he, being the wonderful man he is, looked back at me and said: "You do have the most important job in the world and you are amazing at it."
It was one of those sweet moments where you think to yourself: It seriously doesn't get much better than this.
I am so glad I have today off (and by off I mean catching up with my boy, catching up with housework, and smacking some of that sassy laundry around). Seriously, the days off make me appreciate my favorite job, my real job so much more than if I was just home all the time I think. Not to mention it helps the family stay financially afloat. So I know it's a good thing, it's a flexible job and I pretty much get to choose when I work. Not many people can say that! I'm trying to count my blessings.
I think one of the reasons it's hardest for me to work (especially during the week when I have to take Josh to a sitter - who, thankfully, we adore and she adores our boy) is that I don't consider being a hospital social worker my real job. Being a wife and mom is, I believe a very high calling - not everyone is called to it, but those who are - well they are very blessed and very challenged. Challenged to find balance between home and work, challenged to make the home a place of comfort and joy, and challenged to raise up the next generation - our precious children! We are challenged to cultivate a marriage that helps our children to feel safe and secure - and one that brings us closer to God as we become closer to our spouse.
Some friends and I are studying the book of Esther in Bible study right now and the title of the study is: Esther: It's Tough To Be a Woman! Beth Moore is the author - and she's really wonderful. In one of the video portions of the study, Beth read a letter from a woman who discussed why it's tough for her to be a woman. The woman wrote about being a mother and feeling like it can be such a thankless job so much of the time that it didn't seem to her that what she was doing as a mom was a very important job at all.
I have been haunted by hearing that ever since. I felt so bad for that woman, my heart completely went out to her. I came home from Bible study that night and told my husband what she had said and how it stuck with me. I seriously looked at him, with tears in my eyes and said, "Thank you for making me feel like I have the most important job in the world. Thank you for working so hard so that I can do my job well and be here to raise our son."
And he, being the wonderful man he is, looked back at me and said: "You do have the most important job in the world and you are amazing at it."
It was one of those sweet moments where you think to yourself: It seriously doesn't get much better than this.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Fort February
But you know what? Sometimes getting down on the floor and playing with you kids is more important than what company thinks. Actually, I'd say it's more important all the time! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go plop myself down on something equally as comfy for a bit!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
He Moves in Mysterious Ways
Major bummer: I'm still not pregnant. Geez Louise, this is turning out to be quite the emotional roller coaster! It's so hard because half the month you're "trying" to get pregnant and the other half, you're wondering "am I pregnant?" And you so desperately want to be pregnant that you start thinking of cute baby names, and wondering if it's a boy or a girl, when in fact, in all likelihood: you are not yet PREGNANT!
As frustrating as it has been these past 6 months (and trust me, I know there are many women who go longer than that, and also those who are unable to conceive altogether), I have amazing friends and family who have seemingly unending patience with my lack of faith! One particular friend divulged to me that it took her a year to get pregnant with 3 out of her 4 kids. She gave me some really great encouragement this morning to:
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7
She also reminded me that God's timing is absolutely perfect. And also - that sex + ovulation doesn't necessarily always = a baby.
No kidding!!! :)
I don't know why I believe the devil's lie that if I try to control everything and hold on so tightly to everything that somehow it will work out better for me than if I TRUST IT ALL to my CREATOR! Who loves me like He does? NO ONE!
Whew, considering that alone, in addition to the blessing of my amazing husband, little man and not to mention some stellar family and friends I am blessed indeed.
Also, it's so very true that EVERY baby is just a complete miracle - it saddens me when people are too caught up in science that they can't find God...and here I am basically doing the same thing! The "But I'm doing everything RIGHT, everything I SHOULD be doing, Lord!" cries of my heart are just plain silly in light of the fact that I know full well God opens the wombs of women in HIS TIME in HIS WAY, and it really has nothing to do with science at all!
Sarah barren her whole life, then conceived at nearly 100! Elizabeth couldn't have kiddos, then WHAM here comes John the Baptist when she least expected it! And heaven help Mary, who didn't even GET to have any fun at all before Baby #1, aka our Lord and Savior came on the scene.
Yeah...I guess it's pretty much safe to say He moves in mysterious, amazing, and wonderful ways.
So for now, I'm holding my sweet boy tighter every day and holding on to God's promises for dear life. I'm working on that whole trust thing, too. And I'm ever so thankful that God's not done with me yet because I've got a long way to go!!
As frustrating as it has been these past 6 months (and trust me, I know there are many women who go longer than that, and also those who are unable to conceive altogether), I have amazing friends and family who have seemingly unending patience with my lack of faith! One particular friend divulged to me that it took her a year to get pregnant with 3 out of her 4 kids. She gave me some really great encouragement this morning to:
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7
She also reminded me that God's timing is absolutely perfect. And also - that sex + ovulation doesn't necessarily always = a baby.
No kidding!!! :)
I don't know why I believe the devil's lie that if I try to control everything and hold on so tightly to everything that somehow it will work out better for me than if I TRUST IT ALL to my CREATOR! Who loves me like He does? NO ONE!
Whew, considering that alone, in addition to the blessing of my amazing husband, little man and not to mention some stellar family and friends I am blessed indeed.
Also, it's so very true that EVERY baby is just a complete miracle - it saddens me when people are too caught up in science that they can't find God...and here I am basically doing the same thing! The "But I'm doing everything RIGHT, everything I SHOULD be doing, Lord!" cries of my heart are just plain silly in light of the fact that I know full well God opens the wombs of women in HIS TIME in HIS WAY, and it really has nothing to do with science at all!
Sarah barren her whole life, then conceived at nearly 100! Elizabeth couldn't have kiddos, then WHAM here comes John the Baptist when she least expected it! And heaven help Mary, who didn't even GET to have any fun at all before Baby #1, aka our Lord and Savior came on the scene.
Yeah...I guess it's pretty much safe to say He moves in mysterious, amazing, and wonderful ways.
So for now, I'm holding my sweet boy tighter every day and holding on to God's promises for dear life. I'm working on that whole trust thing, too. And I'm ever so thankful that God's not done with me yet because I've got a long way to go!!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Throw 30 Things
I've mentioned before that my house is SMALL. We are three people (well, two and a half, hoping to become more!) sharing one bathroom and two tiny bedrooms. We also have a kitchen, an entry, and a "great room" which is our living and dining space in one. We love our house and are so thankful for it.
But again...it's SMALL.
I've been spinning my wheels lately trying to figure out why no matter what I do, there always seems to be stuff laying around. Stuff in piles, stuff on furniture, stuff everywhere! The stuff could be clothes, books, papers, or knick-knacks...but we have a lot of it. So, you do the math with me:
Small house + Lots of stuff = OUT OF CONTROL CLUTTER!
So I'm clutter-busting, little by little. I'm starting a little system I like to call: Throw 30 Things (Away). Sounds simple, right? Because it is.
There are 12 months of the year and six rooms in my house. Each month, I am going to throw 30 things away in it's designated room. To keep me from forgetting, I'm going to do this on the last day of every month. For example, this month (tomorrow, actually) I'm going to get rid of 30 things in my bathroom. ANY 30 things that haven't been used in forever or do not bring joy or purpose to our lives on a somewhat regular basis (i.e. Advil brings me comfort and my husband joy just about once every month!).
I don't have to necessarily throw things away - as in put it out on the curb for garbage day. If there is something I think could be useful to someone else, I may take it to Goodwill or give it to a friend who may have a better use for it. However, on the last day of every month, I am committing to getting 30 things OUT of my house!
The change will happen slowly at first, but I'm convinced there are at least 30 things I could get rid of in every room twice a year. There are probably 60 but I'm trying to do things in baby-steps, here.
So here goes nothing, I'm hoping the first day of Throw 30 Things goes well. And if it doesn't, I may literally be throwing some things because I just can't stand the stuff anymore!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Miracles Happen Every Day
My mom just called me with some FABULOUS news! My dad, who found out he has an aggressive type of cancer (caught early, thankfully!) is now CANCER FREE! After having surgery in October, his doctor told him they were unable to get all of the cancer. They would need to check his levels in another couple of months to see if the cancer would spread or basically dissipate on its own.
I'm no doctor, but I've certainly never heard of an aggressive type of cancer that "dissipates on its own." But my family turned it all over to God, and my husband and I, along with the rest of my family prayed every single day that it would, somehow go away. And I guess they're right when they say miracles happen every day because my dad is living proof of it today!!!
I couldn't be more thankful and happy. My parents are leaving next week for their 30th anniversary celebration in Hawaii. Now they will also be able to celebrate my dad's clean bill of health. THANK YOU, JESUS!!
My Dad will still have to go every 6 months (for the next five years) to get his levels checked and make sure the cancer doesn't return. But, for now, we are in a state of sheer joy and utter relief!
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. - Psalm 18:2
I'm no doctor, but I've certainly never heard of an aggressive type of cancer that "dissipates on its own." But my family turned it all over to God, and my husband and I, along with the rest of my family prayed every single day that it would, somehow go away. And I guess they're right when they say miracles happen every day because my dad is living proof of it today!!!
I couldn't be more thankful and happy. My parents are leaving next week for their 30th anniversary celebration in Hawaii. Now they will also be able to celebrate my dad's clean bill of health. THANK YOU, JESUS!!
My Dad will still have to go every 6 months (for the next five years) to get his levels checked and make sure the cancer doesn't return. But, for now, we are in a state of sheer joy and utter relief!
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. - Psalm 18:2
Monday, January 23, 2012
Disney Dreamin'
I'm Disney Dreamin' on such a winter's day!
As I write this post, my sister, along with MANY others of my best friends are headed to Disney World for Young Life's All Staff Conference. This conference happens every 4 years and everyone who is paid staff for Young Life gathers in Orlando for conferences and a few days of fun in the sun! Seriously, I have considered working for Young Life for this sole reason. Note: there are certainly other reasons I would work for them; it's an organization I believe in very much. However, why would they pay for my labor when they can get it for free!? :)
Anyway, my husband and I are planning on taking a quick getaway just the two of us this summer, right when school gets out. The jury is still out on where we're going, but one of the places in the running is actually Disney World!! I'm a huge Disney fan (as if you couldn't tell), and my husband just smiles and quietly supports my obsession. As long as he doesn't have to pay for it. Which, thus far, he has not.
Four years ago, when I graduated from grad school, my parents took my husband and I, and my sister and her husband (fiancee at the time) to Disney World for four days. It was MAGICAL!! And it was all-expenses paid.
This time around, my parents have graciously offered to let us use their timeshare (through Disney, of course!) for our getaway. We are still on the lookout for other deals to places we have never been before, but I just don't think we can beat a free place to stay for four nights/five days. So I'm praying my hubby gets on board (or we find an insanely good deal somewhere else). But mostly, just praying my hubby gets on board!!
The pic at the top is from that most magical trip to Disney World - me, my dad, and my sister in front of Cinderella's Castle. Here's hoping we get back there this year!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
I am so excited to have completed this project! All it took was a little paint and elbow grease - and a little Pinspiration, of course! The best part? I didn't buy one thing to do this! The bookshelf we had, the paint we had left over from the trim in our bedroom, the canvas bins we had, and the mirror, lamp, books, vase, and flowers...you guessed it, WE HAD ALL OF THEM TOO! I spent zero dollars and only two hours of my time to do this! And I must say...I LOVE IT! This spot looks so much better now. It's all part of my plan to get rid of those entry uglies!
The top left bin has all of Josh's blocks in it, the top right houses his bibs. The bottom left is stuffed animals, and the bottom right is cars and trucks. I think this will help him learn to clean up when he's done playing too! We take out a bin from the shelf and play with its contents...and afterward we know exactly where things go!
Josh's other toys live in a bigger bin in our family room, but now we have more room in that bin because we took a little time to get organized. And trust me, in a house this small, we need all the space we can get!
I'm looking forward to my next big project...and the next day off I can do it. Linen closet, I'm coming for you next!!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Date Night - Huzzah!
Tomorrow is my husband and I's monthly planned date night. Many people I know do a weekly date night, but with a young child and money being tight, once a month works for us. We do hang out other nights of the month (usually one or two a week just the two of us - we're lucky our son goes to bed at 7:15!!) as we did last night, just drinking some wine and watching some Seinfeld on DVD.
We instituted a planned date night, however, when I first found out I was pregnant. (Read: I instituted date night when I first found out I was pregnant). I was worried that a new baby was going to change things too much, or we would get too busy and not have time for our marriage anymore. Boy, was I right!!! And so I'm glad we got into the habit of having a planned date night.
Each month, one of us plans an actual date. We don't have to go out for the date, and we don't even have to spend any money. But we do have to have time just the two of us, and we have to do something fun together (watching a movie counts, watching tv does not). My husband plans the "even" months (February - the second month, April, the fourth, etc.) and I plan the "odd." He likes to joke it's because I'm odd. Har har. Hilarious.
Last month, for example, my husband planned for us to stay in and bake and decorate Christmas cookies together. We listened to Christmas carols and drank wine (don't judge us, we weren't in the mood for cocoa!!) and just had so much fun getting flour and icing everywhere. It was like we were back in high school.
This month is my turn to pick and we're going OUT! It's fun to just get dressed up for a night out, even if we're just going to a casual bar & grill, which we are. I got a great deal for $25 worth of food for only $12 on LivingSocial.com. I'm so looking forward to getting dolled up (read: adding eyeliner to my makeup routine) and having a fun night out with my hubby.
For anyone out there reading this who doesn't yet have a date night, please let me give you a strong recommendation for it. It helps us stay connected, even if only once a month. It helps us have fun together - which is difficult sometimes when life gets too serious. It helps me know my husband truly cares about me and values time with me - especially when it's his turn to plan the night! Also, it sets a good example for our son - that Mommy and Daddy love each other, love to spend time together, and someday when he gets married (gulp!) he will (hopefully) take the initiative to take his wife out on a date every so often!
Oh, and future daughter-in-law? You can thank me later.
Much, MUCH later!!
We instituted a planned date night, however, when I first found out I was pregnant. (Read: I instituted date night when I first found out I was pregnant). I was worried that a new baby was going to change things too much, or we would get too busy and not have time for our marriage anymore. Boy, was I right!!! And so I'm glad we got into the habit of having a planned date night.
Each month, one of us plans an actual date. We don't have to go out for the date, and we don't even have to spend any money. But we do have to have time just the two of us, and we have to do something fun together (watching a movie counts, watching tv does not). My husband plans the "even" months (February - the second month, April, the fourth, etc.) and I plan the "odd." He likes to joke it's because I'm odd. Har har. Hilarious.
Last month, for example, my husband planned for us to stay in and bake and decorate Christmas cookies together. We listened to Christmas carols and drank wine (don't judge us, we weren't in the mood for cocoa!!) and just had so much fun getting flour and icing everywhere. It was like we were back in high school.
This month is my turn to pick and we're going OUT! It's fun to just get dressed up for a night out, even if we're just going to a casual bar & grill, which we are. I got a great deal for $25 worth of food for only $12 on LivingSocial.com. I'm so looking forward to getting dolled up (read: adding eyeliner to my makeup routine) and having a fun night out with my hubby.
For anyone out there reading this who doesn't yet have a date night, please let me give you a strong recommendation for it. It helps us stay connected, even if only once a month. It helps us have fun together - which is difficult sometimes when life gets too serious. It helps me know my husband truly cares about me and values time with me - especially when it's his turn to plan the night! Also, it sets a good example for our son - that Mommy and Daddy love each other, love to spend time together, and someday when he gets married (gulp!) he will (hopefully) take the initiative to take his wife out on a date every so often!
Oh, and future daughter-in-law? You can thank me later.
Much, MUCH later!!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
New and Improved House Cleaning System
I realize it hasn't been that long since I posted my daily routine/weekly house cleaning schedule, but as with everything I do, it's a work in progress. And as I strive to get my house in order (and keep it that way) this year, I found that the old way just wasn't as efficient as it could be. So I made some changes.
The daily routine is just about the same as far as taking care of Josh goes, but trying to clean one room of the house each day of the week just wasn't working out. Instead, I am now divvying up the weekly housework as follows:
Monday - Clean Bathroom
1. Change & launder bath mat, towels, & washcloths
2. Clean toilet, bathtub/shower & sink
3. Windex bathroom mirror
4. Empty trash in bathroom & wipe trashcan inside and out
5. Clean kitchen trash cans inside and out
Tuesday - Ironing, Water Plants, Empty Trash
1. Water plants (if needed - usually only in spring/summer since I kill all things green inside)
2. Empty trash in master bedroom
3. Empty trash & diaper genie in Josh's room
4. Iron clothes for the week
5. Windex front door window panes
Wednesday - Dust & Misc. Tasks
1. Dust furniture, objects, light fixtures in every room of the house
2. Fluff pillows and comforter in master bedroom
3. Windex mirror in entry
Thursday - Vacuum & Misc. Tasks
1. Vacuum all rooms in house
2. Vacuum vents throughout house
3. Clean out fridge
4. Sort & toss magazines/catalogs in living room
5. Clean litter box
6. Wipe kitchen appliances
Friday - Scrub Floors & Change Bed Linens
1. Scrub floors in all rooms of the house
2. Change bed linens on our bed & Josh's
And there you have it. Experience has taught me that it just makes more sense (and saves time) to get out the vacuum only once, make up the bucket of mop water only once, and do the dusting once per week as opposed to doing a little of each chore in a different room each day.
I'm happy to report that after one week on this plan, I dread housework a lot less and a lot more is getting done. I may have just finally found a way to get the weekly cleaning done in just a half hour a day. Can I get an Amen for that?!
The daily routine is just about the same as far as taking care of Josh goes, but trying to clean one room of the house each day of the week just wasn't working out. Instead, I am now divvying up the weekly housework as follows:
Monday - Clean Bathroom
1. Change & launder bath mat, towels, & washcloths
2. Clean toilet, bathtub/shower & sink
3. Windex bathroom mirror
4. Empty trash in bathroom & wipe trashcan inside and out
5. Clean kitchen trash cans inside and out
Tuesday - Ironing, Water Plants, Empty Trash
1. Water plants (if needed - usually only in spring/summer since I kill all things green inside)
2. Empty trash in master bedroom
3. Empty trash & diaper genie in Josh's room
4. Iron clothes for the week
5. Windex front door window panes
Wednesday - Dust & Misc. Tasks
1. Dust furniture, objects, light fixtures in every room of the house
2. Fluff pillows and comforter in master bedroom
3. Windex mirror in entry
Thursday - Vacuum & Misc. Tasks
1. Vacuum all rooms in house
2. Vacuum vents throughout house
3. Clean out fridge
4. Sort & toss magazines/catalogs in living room
5. Clean litter box
6. Wipe kitchen appliances
Friday - Scrub Floors & Change Bed Linens
1. Scrub floors in all rooms of the house
2. Change bed linens on our bed & Josh's
And there you have it. Experience has taught me that it just makes more sense (and saves time) to get out the vacuum only once, make up the bucket of mop water only once, and do the dusting once per week as opposed to doing a little of each chore in a different room each day.
I'm happy to report that after one week on this plan, I dread housework a lot less and a lot more is getting done. I may have just finally found a way to get the weekly cleaning done in just a half hour a day. Can I get an Amen for that?!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Thank God for Payday!
My husband and I have been trying to rein in our spending and actually stick to a budget. We started at the end of October when we realized our once unused "emergency credit cards" were seeing more and more "emergencies" of late. I read a book that was recommended to me by a dear friend that really helped me get excited about budgeting and paying down our debt. It's called The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. He's a financial guru who also happens to be a Christian and keeps a biblical perspective about money and living within your means. Ramsey associates financial freedom with being debt free - makes sense to me!
November was difficult, but awesome. We made a budget and it was tiiiiight! But we stuck to it and we made it to the end of the month with even a little money to spare! We employed the "envelope method," which is another of Dave Ramsey's suggestions, but I'm pretty sure smart people have been living on cash only for decades. Anyway, we took the totals we budgeted for the month for different categories like food, gas, personal care, recreation, and clothing and then filled the envelopes with the cash amounts. And then, when it was gone, it was GONE.
The main philosophy behind this is that spending cash "hurts." So often, I would swipe my debit card for this or that, and it never actually feels like the money is going away. Until a week later when I would look at the bank account online and gasp in shock thinking maybe someone stole our debit card when in reality, those lattes at Starbucks just add up quickly!
Anyway, I was nervous about Christmas because we have so many loved ones to buy for. Thankfully, I worked some extra days and my husband got three paychecks in December (LOVE when that happens!) so we made it work. Or at least I thought we did. Now we are still days away from the first January paycheck and we. are. struggling!
I mean, we'll be fine. I got some groceries today (at the cheapest grocery store around!) and now we have everything we need to make it to Friday. It's just going to be Velveeta Shells and Cheese and scrambled eggs for dinner until then! But you know, there's something oddly gratifying about having to work to make ends meet and think about where the money goes. There's also something extremely gratifying about being able to tithe to God's purposes in recognition of the fact that what we have isn't really ours to begin with. He give and He takes away - and He has blessed us with more than we ever could have hoped for.
So thank God we'll make it to Friday and then...thank God for payday!!!
November was difficult, but awesome. We made a budget and it was tiiiiight! But we stuck to it and we made it to the end of the month with even a little money to spare! We employed the "envelope method," which is another of Dave Ramsey's suggestions, but I'm pretty sure smart people have been living on cash only for decades. Anyway, we took the totals we budgeted for the month for different categories like food, gas, personal care, recreation, and clothing and then filled the envelopes with the cash amounts. And then, when it was gone, it was GONE.
The main philosophy behind this is that spending cash "hurts." So often, I would swipe my debit card for this or that, and it never actually feels like the money is going away. Until a week later when I would look at the bank account online and gasp in shock thinking maybe someone stole our debit card when in reality, those lattes at Starbucks just add up quickly!
Anyway, I was nervous about Christmas because we have so many loved ones to buy for. Thankfully, I worked some extra days and my husband got three paychecks in December (LOVE when that happens!) so we made it work. Or at least I thought we did. Now we are still days away from the first January paycheck and we. are. struggling!
I mean, we'll be fine. I got some groceries today (at the cheapest grocery store around!) and now we have everything we need to make it to Friday. It's just going to be Velveeta Shells and Cheese and scrambled eggs for dinner until then! But you know, there's something oddly gratifying about having to work to make ends meet and think about where the money goes. There's also something extremely gratifying about being able to tithe to God's purposes in recognition of the fact that what we have isn't really ours to begin with. He give and He takes away - and He has blessed us with more than we ever could have hoped for.
So thank God we'll make it to Friday and then...thank God for payday!!!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Getting Rid of the Entry Uglies
Having recently posted about my new love of Pinterest, I will show you just exactly how I'm planning on putting it to good use. My first project is part art, part organizing. Here's a link that will show you exactly what I'm talking about:
My house is small, as I think I've mentioned before. Don't get me wrong, I love it - it's a great house and it is God's provision. We are definitely blessed to have been able to purchase a home in Connecticut, of all places! Where every square foot seems to be a bajillion dollars. But I digress...
One of the major problems of having a small house is finding a place to put everything. Sure, the furniture and appliances have their place, but I'm talking about the CLUTTER. Oh, the clutter! I can never seem to get on top of it. I pick up every day, multiple times a day but there always seems to be more papers, books, toys, clothes than I know what to do with. That's when the piles start happening...they're like little armies forming. Planning their attack. And some days I just feel like waving that dang white flag in surrender.
The entry is the WORST culprit. The first room you enter in my house is a big room but it feels like a lot of wasted space because all it's really good for is storage. But I want that storage to be cute. Is that so wrong?
Well THIS is 2012, the year I make my home homier. So I'm starting with this project - painting a bookshelf we already have white - and getting canvas bins for Josh's toys - 1 will be for blocks, 1 for cars + trucks, 1 for stuffed animals, etc. This will be in the entry but it won't look like toy storage...it will look like a cute little shelf with a beautiful mirror hanging over it, and a sweet little lamp on top - maybe a flower or two as well.
Incidentally, I actually have a mirror that looks just like the one in the picture currently taking up valuable real estate in my basement. I'm going to have hubby hang it up after I finish the painting.
I'm not working Sunday so after church when Josh is napping, I'm going to do my project. I can't wait!! I hope it turns out ok. I'm not much of a DIY girl! Yet!
I will post pictures of the before and after next week. Stay tuned!
My house is small, as I think I've mentioned before. Don't get me wrong, I love it - it's a great house and it is God's provision. We are definitely blessed to have been able to purchase a home in Connecticut, of all places! Where every square foot seems to be a bajillion dollars. But I digress...
One of the major problems of having a small house is finding a place to put everything. Sure, the furniture and appliances have their place, but I'm talking about the CLUTTER. Oh, the clutter! I can never seem to get on top of it. I pick up every day, multiple times a day but there always seems to be more papers, books, toys, clothes than I know what to do with. That's when the piles start happening...they're like little armies forming. Planning their attack. And some days I just feel like waving that dang white flag in surrender.
The entry is the WORST culprit. The first room you enter in my house is a big room but it feels like a lot of wasted space because all it's really good for is storage. But I want that storage to be cute. Is that so wrong?
Well THIS is 2012, the year I make my home homier. So I'm starting with this project - painting a bookshelf we already have white - and getting canvas bins for Josh's toys - 1 will be for blocks, 1 for cars + trucks, 1 for stuffed animals, etc. This will be in the entry but it won't look like toy storage...it will look like a cute little shelf with a beautiful mirror hanging over it, and a sweet little lamp on top - maybe a flower or two as well.
Incidentally, I actually have a mirror that looks just like the one in the picture currently taking up valuable real estate in my basement. I'm going to have hubby hang it up after I finish the painting.
I'm not working Sunday so after church when Josh is napping, I'm going to do my project. I can't wait!! I hope it turns out ok. I'm not much of a DIY girl! Yet!
I will post pictures of the before and after next week. Stay tuned!
Friday, January 6, 2012
It's About to Get Pinteresting
I have posted before about my lack of wanting more "technology." Maybe technology isn't the right word - social media outlets is probably better.
I don't want a Twitter, I don't understand it. Now people are talking about something new...Pinterest. Or maybe it's not new to anyone else, but it's new to me.
Once I saw enough of my friends talking about it on Facebook (my social network of choice), I decided to check it out for myself. And IT. IS. SO. COOL.
You probably already know what it is, but it's an online pinboard where you can post pictures of things you'd like to do to your house, recipes, fashion, or just about anything you can think of. I've already been on it a ton in the last few days and, dare I say, this could be more addicting than Facebook!
Great, just what I need, something else that sucks my precious time away. But I truly do think this could be used for good. I've already gotten a lot of ideas for ways to organize my house, decorate, recipes I'd like to try, and clothes I want to buy (someday). It's so fun to see things your friends like and then find stuff you like from them! I have to say I didn't think I was going to be a believer, but I AM!
Plus, through Pinterest I found an awesome new blog that I am obsessed with! It's called "The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking" and can be found here:
The woman who writes it is a Christian mom of 5 (I believe), including twins and has to be, like...the craftiest mom EVER. Her house is adorable (and looks so CLEAN!) and she just really seems to have it all together. I already commented (and probably freaked her out!) by asking incredulously, "How the HECK do you do all that?" I only have one and I'm not half the homemaker she apparently is!
But there's always room to grow. I'm excited to get some projects started in my house in 2012 - i.e. organizing the linen closet, the coat closet...well, just about every closet! In general, just trying to make our home sweet home a little, well...homier. I've got the Pinspiration, now all I need is the perspiration!
You notice what I did there? Try not to fall off your chair laughing at how punny I am. Please.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
So I'm exhausted. Josh finally did take a good nap yesterday but last night was horrible. He was coughing ALL night - I thought he was getting better. Maybe he is, everything is just breaking up.
This morning when he was playing with toys in his crib I came in to check on him and he had a literal mustache of snot. And I'm too tired to care that that was probably TMI.
I just put him down for his nap with a pillow in his crib to elevate his head and help him breathe a little easier. My fingers (and toes) are crossed that he will sleep for at least a couple of hours. Because I. Need. Sleep.
And so does he. Night night! Or as Josh would say, Na Na!
This morning when he was playing with toys in his crib I came in to check on him and he had a literal mustache of snot. And I'm too tired to care that that was probably TMI.
I just put him down for his nap with a pillow in his crib to elevate his head and help him breathe a little easier. My fingers (and toes) are crossed that he will sleep for at least a couple of hours. Because I. Need. Sleep.
And so does he. Night night! Or as Josh would say, Na Na!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Croupie Monster
AUGHGHSS! Is that even a real exclamation? No. Do I care? NO. It's better than typing what I really feel like typing because after only one full day of croup (word on the street is there are anywhere from 2-6 more to follow), I am exhausted, cranky, weepy, frustrated and oh...did I mention CRANKY??!!
And that's just me. All of those things also currently describe my formerly sweet, good natured boy. I'm about ready to cry uncle.
Josh woke up again this morning (after coughing through the night) with a 102 degree fever. He was lethargic and just plain miserable. I rushed for the ibuprofen and the fever came right down, but he's still just moping around, crying over every little thing, and I'm trying to keep him from crying because that aggravates the coughing. So all my parenting is going out the window...before the TV was off limits...well now all he has to do is start crying and I'm like, "Oh you're right...it is cool to touch the buttons on the TV and erase Daddy's DVRed sporting events."
I feel like this croup is creating a monster. And it's ME.
I'm praying for patience and strength to get through each day, and above all healing for my little boy. I hate it so much when he's sick. I feel so helpless, even though I'm trying my best. I even called the doctor again this morning (still haven't heard back from them...I wonder why!) to make sure they didn't want to give him anything for the croup. I know they probably think I'm crazy but I don't care...I highly doubt anyone in their office was up half the night worried sick about the coughing heap in the next room.
So here's hoping this is, miraculously the last day of croup. Because after only two days, I'm about to unravel. And also, it would be tough to do three days in a row of Croup play on words for my blog post titles.
And that's just me. All of those things also currently describe my formerly sweet, good natured boy. I'm about ready to cry uncle.
Josh woke up again this morning (after coughing through the night) with a 102 degree fever. He was lethargic and just plain miserable. I rushed for the ibuprofen and the fever came right down, but he's still just moping around, crying over every little thing, and I'm trying to keep him from crying because that aggravates the coughing. So all my parenting is going out the window...before the TV was off limits...well now all he has to do is start crying and I'm like, "Oh you're right...it is cool to touch the buttons on the TV and erase Daddy's DVRed sporting events."
I feel like this croup is creating a monster. And it's ME.
I'm praying for patience and strength to get through each day, and above all healing for my little boy. I hate it so much when he's sick. I feel so helpless, even though I'm trying my best. I even called the doctor again this morning (still haven't heard back from them...I wonder why!) to make sure they didn't want to give him anything for the croup. I know they probably think I'm crazy but I don't care...I highly doubt anyone in their office was up half the night worried sick about the coughing heap in the next room.
So here's hoping this is, miraculously the last day of croup. Because after only two days, I'm about to unravel. And also, it would be tough to do three days in a row of Croup play on words for my blog post titles.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Oh, Croup!
We spent the holiday week at my mom and dad's house in Ohio and had a blast there. It was especially fun to see Josh and his four month younger cousin Frankie playing and interacting together more than ever. My sister and I keep joking that they are "besties."
What was not especially fun was hearing from my sister just days after the boys were sharing everything (including, despite our best efforts, sippy cups) that my poor nephew Frankie had come down with croup. He had all the tell-tale signs, from fever to that sad seal-barking cough you never want to hear coming from your own kid...or anyone else's! Poor little Frankie had to go to the doctor, and his case was bad enough the doctor had to put him on a steroid.
Well, at first I thought we were doomed and that it would only be a matter of time before Josh started the seal-barking himself. But a couple of days passed since Frankie was diagnosed and all Josh had was a runny nose. Other than that, he seemed to be his normal, happy self.
Further research would have told me not to get my hopes up since that is how croup starts in almost all cases. And, wouldn't you know it, this morning my sweet baby woke up burning up with fever and coughing that dreaded cough. I tried my hardest not to freak out and called the pediatrician. Luckily, they could see us in an hour.
I gave my little Bubba boy a dose of ibuprofen and an extra dose of love and off to the doctor we went. Fortunately (or unfortunately, I'm not sure yet) the doctor didn't prescribe any medicine for Josh because she didn't (yet) feel the need. She said the best thing would be cold air before naps and bedtimes, drinking fluids and maybe some baby Vicks Vaporub if necessary. He's not really doing the coughing when he's resting (only when crying), so she said it's nothing to worry about too much.
Tell that to a first time mom who keeps her kid out of daycare on purpose to avoid such moments as these...I just hope he doesn't end up getting worse before he gets better!
Of course, I knew he would get sick eventually and I'd rather he have croup than say, cancer...so we're still pretty lucky. I just spent the past 5 minutes walking a bundled up toddler up and down our front walk in the blustery cold, hoping it would ease his little breathing. The things we do for love!!
What was not especially fun was hearing from my sister just days after the boys were sharing everything (including, despite our best efforts, sippy cups) that my poor nephew Frankie had come down with croup. He had all the tell-tale signs, from fever to that sad seal-barking cough you never want to hear coming from your own kid...or anyone else's! Poor little Frankie had to go to the doctor, and his case was bad enough the doctor had to put him on a steroid.
Well, at first I thought we were doomed and that it would only be a matter of time before Josh started the seal-barking himself. But a couple of days passed since Frankie was diagnosed and all Josh had was a runny nose. Other than that, he seemed to be his normal, happy self.
Further research would have told me not to get my hopes up since that is how croup starts in almost all cases. And, wouldn't you know it, this morning my sweet baby woke up burning up with fever and coughing that dreaded cough. I tried my hardest not to freak out and called the pediatrician. Luckily, they could see us in an hour.
I gave my little Bubba boy a dose of ibuprofen and an extra dose of love and off to the doctor we went. Fortunately (or unfortunately, I'm not sure yet) the doctor didn't prescribe any medicine for Josh because she didn't (yet) feel the need. She said the best thing would be cold air before naps and bedtimes, drinking fluids and maybe some baby Vicks Vaporub if necessary. He's not really doing the coughing when he's resting (only when crying), so she said it's nothing to worry about too much.
Tell that to a first time mom who keeps her kid out of daycare on purpose to avoid such moments as these...I just hope he doesn't end up getting worse before he gets better!
Of course, I knew he would get sick eventually and I'd rather he have croup than say, cancer...so we're still pretty lucky. I just spent the past 5 minutes walking a bundled up toddler up and down our front walk in the blustery cold, hoping it would ease his little breathing. The things we do for love!!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year!!
WHOA! I can't believe it's been over a month since my last post...crazy how time flies! One of my resolutions is to be WAY better about keeping up with the blog - even if it's a short little post about our day. I think I often "over thought" things with my blogging before, assuming I had to have a "topic" or something interesting to write about in order for people to want to read it. But if I'm really blogging for the love of writing and to have a little diary of my family happenings, I guess it shouldn't matter too much if other people want to read about it or not!!
So here's the quick update for this first day of 2012 - I'm sick. BLECH a dreaded stomach bug, although I'm not throwing up. Because I hate that. Just about more than anything. Well, actually it's third after snakes and tornadoes. But I digress.
Hubby and I spent New Year's Eve in pajamas on the couch watching Seinfeld on DVD and drinking ginger ale from champagne glasses. We didn't even get a good smooch at midnight in because I was afraid to infect him...and he was just as afraid! After watching the ball drop and a peck on the cheek, we dubbed our NYE "the lamest ever" but smiled and laughed about how blessed we had been in 2011, thought it had it's rough patches.
In other news, I'm still not pregnant. I took it pretty hard in December, but I actually just took another test last night and still nothing. We were actually slightly relieved because I have been so sick for three days, hardly eating anything. I think we both would have been worried if I had been pregnant because I also had a fever and that can really complicate things during pregnancy, especially the first trimester.
So we're hoping and praying God will bless us with another precious child in 2012 and as my husband says with a smile (one of these days I will slap him), "I guess we'll just have to try harder!"
We're counting our blessings in our house, and looking forward to a bright new year full of God's gifts and provision. Happy New Year - let's hear it for new beginnings!
So here's the quick update for this first day of 2012 - I'm sick. BLECH a dreaded stomach bug, although I'm not throwing up. Because I hate that. Just about more than anything. Well, actually it's third after snakes and tornadoes. But I digress.
Hubby and I spent New Year's Eve in pajamas on the couch watching Seinfeld on DVD and drinking ginger ale from champagne glasses. We didn't even get a good smooch at midnight in because I was afraid to infect him...and he was just as afraid! After watching the ball drop and a peck on the cheek, we dubbed our NYE "the lamest ever" but smiled and laughed about how blessed we had been in 2011, thought it had it's rough patches.
In other news, I'm still not pregnant. I took it pretty hard in December, but I actually just took another test last night and still nothing. We were actually slightly relieved because I have been so sick for three days, hardly eating anything. I think we both would have been worried if I had been pregnant because I also had a fever and that can really complicate things during pregnancy, especially the first trimester.
So we're hoping and praying God will bless us with another precious child in 2012 and as my husband says with a smile (one of these days I will slap him), "I guess we'll just have to try harder!"
We're counting our blessings in our house, and looking forward to a bright new year full of God's gifts and provision. Happy New Year - let's hear it for new beginnings!
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