Thursday, February 23, 2012

Miscarriage of Justice

My heart is heavy today as I just learned yesterday that a very dear friend of mine has suffered a miscarriage. She was about 8 weeks pregnant and had just gotten used to the idea of being pregnant again - her daughter will be 1 in May! Of course, she is heartbroken, as anyone would be. Hearing her talk about everything yesterday just made me's not fair!

And no, it's not. She said it was especially difficult for her to see the baby on the ultrasound and then learn that they could not detect a heartbeat. She stated, "I'm not trying to get all political but it was so apparent to me in that moment that a life is a life, even that new of a life" and it angered her that some people choose to stop life at that precious, vulnerable state. I'm sure it's the whole gamut of emotions one experiences when grieving - sadness, anger, guilt, and so many others.

I hope and pray my sweet friend can be comforted by her darling daughter during this difficult time. I know it's not fair, but I also know God is on the throne, still sovereign even in the depths of our despair. For whatever reason, that young life was cut short - and all we can do is trust that He has a plan to work things out for our good. I heard someone say once that if things worked out perfectly all the time, we would have little reason for faith and dependence on God. Ultimately, if it brings us closer to Him, the pain will be worth it.

That being said, my friend stated "I wouldn't wish this on anyone." And I have to agree with her. It makes me think of my own struggles trying to conceive and somehow, those struggles pale in comparison. I honestly think I'd rather just have one child than have to go through a miscarriage. But as my husband so rightly said last night, "That's not for us to decide."

Everything happens for a reason - it seems cliche because it's a phrase we hear so much, and it doesn't seem to bring much comfort in a time like this.

I prefer: And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those that are called according to His purpose. - Romans 8:28

That's one of my favorite verses in the whole Bible. Because I can know (not just think or postulate or guess) that God causes (not me causing by attempts to control) all things (not just some things or easy things) to work together for good and for His purpose (which, let's face always better than my own).

If you think of it today, please pray for my friend and her husband. I know she would truly appreciate it.

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