Just today I saw (via Pinterest) one of my Young Life girls had repinned a photo to her "My Style" board. The picture was a woman essentially wearing a thin piece of cloth tied into a ribbon right by her breasts and super short jean shorts. So her navel was exposed, her thighs were exposed...and her ta tas were practically exposed!! Most alarming of all, the high school girls' caption below the picture: "So unbelievably cute."
I hate to rant and rave (and I know I sound old-fashioned here, but it's my blog and I'll be cranky if I want to), but COME ON! What is so unbelievably cute about walking around NAKED!? Well, unless you're my toddler, son, of course. Hey, there are exceptions to every rule.
Just this week in our Bible study, Beth Moore (the author) talked about the lie that we women perpetuate every time we expose our breasts, and every other area for everyone to see - of course, this excludes husbands. The lie is that we are pieces of meat, and that we feel no power or significance and so we seek power and significance from men's, and even women's wayward glances. This is especially alarming because those of us who are married would like our men's eyes to just stay on us!
I can't even imagine what my poor husband has to deal with all day long at the high school where he works...so many of the young women today are buying into this lie that the only way they are worth something is if they are considered "beautiful" by the world's standards and can gain a man's attention by using her own body.
I won't lie and say I've never struggled with perpetuating this lie...in college (even when dating my amazing husband!) I probably got too much of a thrill when someone gave me a second look and I know some of my outfits were put on with the hope that it would turn someones head - maybe the one I was dating, or maybe someone else. EW...thinking back to that makes me sick!
I'm also not saying I'm now immune to such thoughts, but I have definitely come a long way, with God's help. I agree with what Beth Moore said: "We can be beautiful, darling, adorable women...and still cover up our private parts!!" WORD.
I know I'm probably in a minority of women who feel this way, but I'm just putting it out there. I'd like to think my power and significance come from something greater than my body (especially now that it's been through pregnancy!). If I ever have a daughter, she probably won't want to be my friend during her teenage years - you know, the ones where her father and I will say: "You must be crazy if you think you're leaving the house like that, young lady!" But I'm fine with that. And even if I never have a daughter, I'd like to at least convey to the Young Life girls I work with that they are already powerful, significant women, not because of how they look or how they dress, but because of God's love for them.
That's it. That's all. Ok, love me or leave me...this is Modest Mouse, signing out for the weekend!
Your adornment must not be merely external - braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a quiet and gentle spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. - 1 Peter 3:3-4
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