Thursday, February 16, 2012

Eggs, Eggs Baby

Per my doctor's instructions I am using an ovulation predictor kit (OPK) this month. It's so weird - every morning I wait for those two little lines to appear - but so far, there's only been one.

So no ovulating yet, according to the OPK. It's kind of unnerving...I'm about halfway through my cycle (well, supposedly...who really knows??) and nothing has happened yet. According to the ovulation predictor on, I was "supposed" to have ovulated between the 11th and the 16th of this month.

Granted, I know today is the 16th, and I know that the predictor is a computer without a brain, it doesn't know me, it doesn't know my body...but I'm beginning to think I don't either! I'm beginning to think it's got a mind of its own!

So I'm going to have to keep on praying, keep on reminding myself that God is in control, keep on trusting that things happen for a reason...and keep on waiting for that other doggone line to make an appearance!

I'm sure one of these days (well after my second child is born and has the capacity to make mommy crazy by emptying the contents of a bookshelf or throwing all their food on the floor), I will look back and laugh about this. I'm sure then I'll be reminding myself just how badly I wanted this second child...and I'll try to loosen up in that moment (though it wouldn't hurt to start right now!) and thank God for the little blessing that I had to wait for.

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