I know I keep talking about the Beth Moore Bible Study I am in right now, but it is just that good! So I'm going to keep talking about it, for anyone who is willing to listen!
We are studying the book of Esther, which Beth calls "the weirdest book of the entire Bible." How's that for a grabber? But it is so amazing the life truths she extracts from the Scriptures and how much I am learning through the study!
This week she discusses the idea of destiny, and how we have such a poor grasp on the concept. Anyway, I'll spare you my commentary since Beth is the brilliant theologian and I am not. But here's a brief list of what I learned about my God and my destiny this week:
1. God is just as purposeful about what He doesn't reveal as He is about what He does. Simply put, God isn't always going to tell us the "why" for every little thing (or big thing) that happens. So I just need to stop trying to figure Him out - seriously He's the infinite God of the universe - what He chooses to reveal of Himself should be enough for me! And as a favorite pastor of mine always says, "The main things are the plain things!" God is calling us to FAITH - I have to learn to trust Him with my destiny, that is, my future.
2. Any place God puts us is for a reason. I currently work at a place I said I would never work, and live in a state I thought I would definitely never live in. If that doesn't tell me just how little I know, I don't know what does!! And my current job is SO flexible, it allows me to do my real job (being a mommy) much more often. And my current residence in my current state is a place filled with blessings, sweet family, and dear friends. I couldn't have imagined a better circumstance for my life - how amazing it is that God has better plans for me than I have for myself!!
3. God already knows my destiny. "Know that the Lord Himself is God; it is He who has made us and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture." - Psalm 100:3 I couldn't be more thankful for this. I have NO idea what's going to happen next in my life, my husband's, or my son's. But God DOES. He has plans to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11) and He IS TRUSTWORTHY.
Don't mean to preach; this has really been more for me than any of you who might be reading this. But isn't it cool to know that it actually does apply to all of us? We are HIS people! Made for Him and not for ourselves. Made for His purposes - and to receive His amazing blessings.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Miscarriage of Justice
My heart is heavy today as I just learned yesterday that a very dear friend of mine has suffered a miscarriage. She was about 8 weeks pregnant and had just gotten used to the idea of being pregnant again - her daughter will be 1 in May! Of course, she is heartbroken, as anyone would be. Hearing her talk about everything yesterday just made me think...it's not fair!
And no, it's not. She said it was especially difficult for her to see the baby on the ultrasound and then learn that they could not detect a heartbeat. She stated, "I'm not trying to get all political but it was so apparent to me in that moment that a life is a life, even that new of a life" and it angered her that some people choose to stop life at that precious, vulnerable state. I'm sure it's the whole gamut of emotions one experiences when grieving - sadness, anger, guilt, and so many others.
I hope and pray my sweet friend can be comforted by her darling daughter during this difficult time. I know it's not fair, but I also know God is on the throne, still sovereign even in the depths of our despair. For whatever reason, that young life was cut short - and all we can do is trust that He has a plan to work things out for our good. I heard someone say once that if things worked out perfectly all the time, we would have little reason for faith and dependence on God. Ultimately, if it brings us closer to Him, the pain will be worth it.
That being said, my friend stated "I wouldn't wish this on anyone." And I have to agree with her. It makes me think of my own struggles trying to conceive and somehow, those struggles pale in comparison. I honestly think I'd rather just have one child than have to go through a miscarriage. But as my husband so rightly said last night, "That's not for us to decide."
Everything happens for a reason - it seems cliche because it's a phrase we hear so much, and it doesn't seem to bring much comfort in a time like this.
I prefer: And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those that are called according to His purpose. - Romans 8:28
That's one of my favorite verses in the whole Bible. Because I can know (not just think or postulate or guess) that God causes (not me causing by attempts to control) all things (not just some things or easy things) to work together for good and for His purpose (which, let's face it...is always better than my own).
If you think of it today, please pray for my friend and her husband. I know she would truly appreciate it.
And no, it's not. She said it was especially difficult for her to see the baby on the ultrasound and then learn that they could not detect a heartbeat. She stated, "I'm not trying to get all political but it was so apparent to me in that moment that a life is a life, even that new of a life" and it angered her that some people choose to stop life at that precious, vulnerable state. I'm sure it's the whole gamut of emotions one experiences when grieving - sadness, anger, guilt, and so many others.
I hope and pray my sweet friend can be comforted by her darling daughter during this difficult time. I know it's not fair, but I also know God is on the throne, still sovereign even in the depths of our despair. For whatever reason, that young life was cut short - and all we can do is trust that He has a plan to work things out for our good. I heard someone say once that if things worked out perfectly all the time, we would have little reason for faith and dependence on God. Ultimately, if it brings us closer to Him, the pain will be worth it.
That being said, my friend stated "I wouldn't wish this on anyone." And I have to agree with her. It makes me think of my own struggles trying to conceive and somehow, those struggles pale in comparison. I honestly think I'd rather just have one child than have to go through a miscarriage. But as my husband so rightly said last night, "That's not for us to decide."
Everything happens for a reason - it seems cliche because it's a phrase we hear so much, and it doesn't seem to bring much comfort in a time like this.
I prefer: And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those that are called according to His purpose. - Romans 8:28
That's one of my favorite verses in the whole Bible. Because I can know (not just think or postulate or guess) that God causes (not me causing by attempts to control) all things (not just some things or easy things) to work together for good and for His purpose (which, let's face it...is always better than my own).
If you think of it today, please pray for my friend and her husband. I know she would truly appreciate it.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
A Declutter A Day...
I have blogged before on how I feel at times like I am being eaten alive by "stuff." Well, perhaps I never used that exact metaphor, but today...that's how I feel. I know I initiated the Throw 30 Things program (still waiting for the all rights reserved R for that one!) and I still think it's a good idea. But in addition, I have decided it's time for a major purge of a whole lot of stuff!
I have been reading up on decluttering and the best ways to go about it - so far, I think the best strategy I have found is to declutter for 15 minutes a day. I found this on Flylady.net, a website I have referenced here before. "Flylady" makes a good point: "Anyone can do anything for 15 minutes a day!"
So true. I think a big part of the reason I avoid getting rid of stuff is that it seems like an overwhelming task. Because, again, at the risk of beating a dead horse: there's just SO much stuff! I feel like I have to wait for a weekend off to tackle a major project because I dread it and I worry that it will take me hours upon hours to complete. When in reality, if I just committed 15 minutes a day to it, room by room, I bet I could have this little old house decluttered in just a few months. And then it will be easier to clean...and just a joy to live in!
I'm still going to throw 30 things...but I've got to start this 15 minutes a day thing also. I can't wait to see the progress! Wish me luck! Today I'm starting in the master bedroom - 15 minutes, no more, no less. Here goes nothing!
I have blogged before on how I feel at times like I am being eaten alive by "stuff." Well, perhaps I never used that exact metaphor, but today...that's how I feel. I know I initiated the Throw 30 Things program (still waiting for the all rights reserved R for that one!) and I still think it's a good idea. But in addition, I have decided it's time for a major purge of a whole lot of stuff!
I have been reading up on decluttering and the best ways to go about it - so far, I think the best strategy I have found is to declutter for 15 minutes a day. I found this on Flylady.net, a website I have referenced here before. "Flylady" makes a good point: "Anyone can do anything for 15 minutes a day!"
So true. I think a big part of the reason I avoid getting rid of stuff is that it seems like an overwhelming task. Because, again, at the risk of beating a dead horse: there's just SO much stuff! I feel like I have to wait for a weekend off to tackle a major project because I dread it and I worry that it will take me hours upon hours to complete. When in reality, if I just committed 15 minutes a day to it, room by room, I bet I could have this little old house decluttered in just a few months. And then it will be easier to clean...and just a joy to live in!
I'm still going to throw 30 things...but I've got to start this 15 minutes a day thing also. I can't wait to see the progress! Wish me luck! Today I'm starting in the master bedroom - 15 minutes, no more, no less. Here goes nothing!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Modest Mouse
Just today I saw (via Pinterest) one of my Young Life girls had repinned a photo to her "My Style" board. The picture was a woman essentially wearing a thin piece of cloth tied into a ribbon right by her breasts and super short jean shorts. So her navel was exposed, her thighs were exposed...and her ta tas were practically exposed!! Most alarming of all, the high school girls' caption below the picture: "So unbelievably cute."
I hate to rant and rave (and I know I sound old-fashioned here, but it's my blog and I'll be cranky if I want to), but COME ON! What is so unbelievably cute about walking around NAKED!? Well, unless you're my toddler, son, of course. Hey, there are exceptions to every rule.
Just this week in our Bible study, Beth Moore (the author) talked about the lie that we women perpetuate every time we expose our breasts, and every other area for everyone to see - of course, this excludes husbands. The lie is that we are pieces of meat, and that we feel no power or significance and so we seek power and significance from men's, and even women's wayward glances. This is especially alarming because those of us who are married would like our men's eyes to just stay on us!
I can't even imagine what my poor husband has to deal with all day long at the high school where he works...so many of the young women today are buying into this lie that the only way they are worth something is if they are considered "beautiful" by the world's standards and can gain a man's attention by using her own body.
I won't lie and say I've never struggled with perpetuating this lie...in college (even when dating my amazing husband!) I probably got too much of a thrill when someone gave me a second look and I know some of my outfits were put on with the hope that it would turn someones head - maybe the one I was dating, or maybe someone else. EW...thinking back to that makes me sick!
I'm also not saying I'm now immune to such thoughts, but I have definitely come a long way, with God's help. I agree with what Beth Moore said: "We can be beautiful, darling, adorable women...and still cover up our private parts!!" WORD.
I know I'm probably in a minority of women who feel this way, but I'm just putting it out there. I'd like to think my power and significance come from something greater than my body (especially now that it's been through pregnancy!). If I ever have a daughter, she probably won't want to be my friend during her teenage years - you know, the ones where her father and I will say: "You must be crazy if you think you're leaving the house like that, young lady!" But I'm fine with that. And even if I never have a daughter, I'd like to at least convey to the Young Life girls I work with that they are already powerful, significant women, not because of how they look or how they dress, but because of God's love for them.
That's it. That's all. Ok, love me or leave me...this is Modest Mouse, signing out for the weekend!
Your adornment must not be merely external - braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a quiet and gentle spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. - 1 Peter 3:3-4
I hate to rant and rave (and I know I sound old-fashioned here, but it's my blog and I'll be cranky if I want to), but COME ON! What is so unbelievably cute about walking around NAKED!? Well, unless you're my toddler, son, of course. Hey, there are exceptions to every rule.
Just this week in our Bible study, Beth Moore (the author) talked about the lie that we women perpetuate every time we expose our breasts, and every other area for everyone to see - of course, this excludes husbands. The lie is that we are pieces of meat, and that we feel no power or significance and so we seek power and significance from men's, and even women's wayward glances. This is especially alarming because those of us who are married would like our men's eyes to just stay on us!
I can't even imagine what my poor husband has to deal with all day long at the high school where he works...so many of the young women today are buying into this lie that the only way they are worth something is if they are considered "beautiful" by the world's standards and can gain a man's attention by using her own body.
I won't lie and say I've never struggled with perpetuating this lie...in college (even when dating my amazing husband!) I probably got too much of a thrill when someone gave me a second look and I know some of my outfits were put on with the hope that it would turn someones head - maybe the one I was dating, or maybe someone else. EW...thinking back to that makes me sick!
I'm also not saying I'm now immune to such thoughts, but I have definitely come a long way, with God's help. I agree with what Beth Moore said: "We can be beautiful, darling, adorable women...and still cover up our private parts!!" WORD.
I know I'm probably in a minority of women who feel this way, but I'm just putting it out there. I'd like to think my power and significance come from something greater than my body (especially now that it's been through pregnancy!). If I ever have a daughter, she probably won't want to be my friend during her teenage years - you know, the ones where her father and I will say: "You must be crazy if you think you're leaving the house like that, young lady!" But I'm fine with that. And even if I never have a daughter, I'd like to at least convey to the Young Life girls I work with that they are already powerful, significant women, not because of how they look or how they dress, but because of God's love for them.
That's it. That's all. Ok, love me or leave me...this is Modest Mouse, signing out for the weekend!
Your adornment must not be merely external - braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a quiet and gentle spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. - 1 Peter 3:3-4
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Eggs, Eggs Baby
Per my doctor's instructions I am using an ovulation predictor kit (OPK) this month. It's so weird - every morning I wait for those two little lines to appear - but so far, there's only been one.
So no ovulating yet, according to the OPK. It's kind of unnerving...I'm about halfway through my cycle (well, supposedly...who really knows??) and nothing has happened yet. According to the ovulation predictor on Babycenter.com, I was "supposed" to have ovulated between the 11th and the 16th of this month.
Granted, I know today is the 16th, and I know that the predictor is a computer without a brain, it doesn't know me, it doesn't know my body...but I'm beginning to think I don't either! I'm beginning to think it's got a mind of its own!
So I'm going to have to keep on praying, keep on reminding myself that God is in control, keep on trusting that things happen for a reason...and keep on waiting for that other doggone line to make an appearance!
I'm sure one of these days (well after my second child is born and has the capacity to make mommy crazy by emptying the contents of a bookshelf or throwing all their food on the floor), I will look back and laugh about this. I'm sure then I'll be reminding myself just how badly I wanted this second child...and I'll try to loosen up in that moment (though it wouldn't hurt to start right now!) and thank God for the little blessing that I had to wait for.
So no ovulating yet, according to the OPK. It's kind of unnerving...I'm about halfway through my cycle (well, supposedly...who really knows??) and nothing has happened yet. According to the ovulation predictor on Babycenter.com, I was "supposed" to have ovulated between the 11th and the 16th of this month.
Granted, I know today is the 16th, and I know that the predictor is a computer without a brain, it doesn't know me, it doesn't know my body...but I'm beginning to think I don't either! I'm beginning to think it's got a mind of its own!
So I'm going to have to keep on praying, keep on reminding myself that God is in control, keep on trusting that things happen for a reason...and keep on waiting for that other doggone line to make an appearance!
I'm sure one of these days (well after my second child is born and has the capacity to make mommy crazy by emptying the contents of a bookshelf or throwing all their food on the floor), I will look back and laugh about this. I'm sure then I'll be reminding myself just how badly I wanted this second child...and I'll try to loosen up in that moment (though it wouldn't hurt to start right now!) and thank God for the little blessing that I had to wait for.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Pants on the Ground
My child....will not....keep...his clothes ON.
No matter what he is wearing - he's like Houdini, I swear - he can get out of anything.
This is a recent development. The past few days, he has been experimenting with unsnapping and unzipping his pajamas so that when I go into his room in the morning, he has one arm in and one arm out. Perhaps he's been noticing the one-shoulder dresses popping up all over the runways lately. Regardless, it was cute. Note the use of was.
But now Mister Big Boy likes to be just plain naked! He knows how to take off socks, pants and diaper. And no matter how many times I keep dressing him, he just keeps taking everything off. I even asked my friend (and mother of four) "What should I do?! Ignore it? Let him run around like that? Just stop bothering to dress him altogether?"
She laughed and said her kids ran around essentially naked until they started preschool. I'm beginning to see why!!
I had to consult my Parents Magazine archives on this one. Yes, I'm a huge nerd and I rip out articles that I think will be helpful to me in the future - separating them into categories, putting the articles in sheet protectors, and then putting them in cute binders for later use. I know I could probably type in a search on their website, but I like having everything at my fingertips. And you wouldn't believe how much they have come in handy so far! My husband makes fun of me and whenever I tell him about a new fun "stage" Josh is going through, he laughs and says, "Perhaps it's time to consult the archives" or "Good thing you have the archives" - I think he just likes using the word "archives."
So here's what an old Parents article (yes, from the archives) has to say on the matter of toddlers who run around stark naked:
"If the stripping makes you uncomfortable, set limits. Some parents choose to let their toddler run around naked at home or in their backyard but not in public. After a while, your child should lose interest in baring it all. But if you make a big deal about it now by yelling or laughing uncontrollably, he may continue doing it to get a rise out of you. Avoid labeling the behavior as 'naughty.' You want to encourage your kid's curiosity without instilling shame" (Parents, July 2010, p. 158).
The last thing I want to do is instill shame. But the last thing I want Josh to do is keep stripping - especially in the dead of winter! For now, I'm just going to try not to make a big deal about it and re-dress him only when necessary. I just feel guilty when his little toes get cold without socks...and as much as I love the sight of his cute little bum-bum, it needs to stay warm too!
Despite the teasing from my husband, I'm so glad I have the archives at my disposal...if I asked him for advice, I'm pretty sure he would say "if you can't beat 'em, join em!" Then we'd really be in trouble!!!
No matter what he is wearing - he's like Houdini, I swear - he can get out of anything.
This is a recent development. The past few days, he has been experimenting with unsnapping and unzipping his pajamas so that when I go into his room in the morning, he has one arm in and one arm out. Perhaps he's been noticing the one-shoulder dresses popping up all over the runways lately. Regardless, it was cute. Note the use of was.
But now Mister Big Boy likes to be just plain naked! He knows how to take off socks, pants and diaper. And no matter how many times I keep dressing him, he just keeps taking everything off. I even asked my friend (and mother of four) "What should I do?! Ignore it? Let him run around like that? Just stop bothering to dress him altogether?"
She laughed and said her kids ran around essentially naked until they started preschool. I'm beginning to see why!!
I had to consult my Parents Magazine archives on this one. Yes, I'm a huge nerd and I rip out articles that I think will be helpful to me in the future - separating them into categories, putting the articles in sheet protectors, and then putting them in cute binders for later use. I know I could probably type in a search on their website, but I like having everything at my fingertips. And you wouldn't believe how much they have come in handy so far! My husband makes fun of me and whenever I tell him about a new fun "stage" Josh is going through, he laughs and says, "Perhaps it's time to consult the archives" or "Good thing you have the archives" - I think he just likes using the word "archives."
So here's what an old Parents article (yes, from the archives) has to say on the matter of toddlers who run around stark naked:
"If the stripping makes you uncomfortable, set limits. Some parents choose to let their toddler run around naked at home or in their backyard but not in public. After a while, your child should lose interest in baring it all. But if you make a big deal about it now by yelling or laughing uncontrollably, he may continue doing it to get a rise out of you. Avoid labeling the behavior as 'naughty.' You want to encourage your kid's curiosity without instilling shame" (Parents, July 2010, p. 158).
The last thing I want to do is instill shame. But the last thing I want Josh to do is keep stripping - especially in the dead of winter! For now, I'm just going to try not to make a big deal about it and re-dress him only when necessary. I just feel guilty when his little toes get cold without socks...and as much as I love the sight of his cute little bum-bum, it needs to stay warm too!
Despite the teasing from my husband, I'm so glad I have the archives at my disposal...if I asked him for advice, I'm pretty sure he would say "if you can't beat 'em, join em!" Then we'd really be in trouble!!!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The Most Important Job in the World
I'm working (at the hospital) three days this week - ick! I mean I like my job (most of the time) but it's making me very tired and very cranky to have to be away from home and my boy. I hate that the housework falls by the wayside (more so than usual!) when I work and the laundry piles up, seemingly taunting me every time I go near the hamper. UGH, hats off to working moms and single moms - it's just plain not for me!
I am so glad I have today off (and by off I mean catching up with my boy, catching up with housework, and smacking some of that sassy laundry around). Seriously, the days off make me appreciate my favorite job, my real job so much more than if I was just home all the time I think. Not to mention it helps the family stay financially afloat. So I know it's a good thing, it's a flexible job and I pretty much get to choose when I work. Not many people can say that! I'm trying to count my blessings.
I think one of the reasons it's hardest for me to work (especially during the week when I have to take Josh to a sitter - who, thankfully, we adore and she adores our boy) is that I don't consider being a hospital social worker my real job. Being a wife and mom is, I believe a very high calling - not everyone is called to it, but those who are - well they are very blessed and very challenged. Challenged to find balance between home and work, challenged to make the home a place of comfort and joy, and challenged to raise up the next generation - our precious children! We are challenged to cultivate a marriage that helps our children to feel safe and secure - and one that brings us closer to God as we become closer to our spouse.
Some friends and I are studying the book of Esther in Bible study right now and the title of the study is: Esther: It's Tough To Be a Woman! Beth Moore is the author - and she's really wonderful. In one of the video portions of the study, Beth read a letter from a woman who discussed why it's tough for her to be a woman. The woman wrote about being a mother and feeling like it can be such a thankless job so much of the time that it didn't seem to her that what she was doing as a mom was a very important job at all.
I have been haunted by hearing that ever since. I felt so bad for that woman, my heart completely went out to her. I came home from Bible study that night and told my husband what she had said and how it stuck with me. I seriously looked at him, with tears in my eyes and said, "Thank you for making me feel like I have the most important job in the world. Thank you for working so hard so that I can do my job well and be here to raise our son."
And he, being the wonderful man he is, looked back at me and said: "You do have the most important job in the world and you are amazing at it."
It was one of those sweet moments where you think to yourself: It seriously doesn't get much better than this.
I am so glad I have today off (and by off I mean catching up with my boy, catching up with housework, and smacking some of that sassy laundry around). Seriously, the days off make me appreciate my favorite job, my real job so much more than if I was just home all the time I think. Not to mention it helps the family stay financially afloat. So I know it's a good thing, it's a flexible job and I pretty much get to choose when I work. Not many people can say that! I'm trying to count my blessings.
I think one of the reasons it's hardest for me to work (especially during the week when I have to take Josh to a sitter - who, thankfully, we adore and she adores our boy) is that I don't consider being a hospital social worker my real job. Being a wife and mom is, I believe a very high calling - not everyone is called to it, but those who are - well they are very blessed and very challenged. Challenged to find balance between home and work, challenged to make the home a place of comfort and joy, and challenged to raise up the next generation - our precious children! We are challenged to cultivate a marriage that helps our children to feel safe and secure - and one that brings us closer to God as we become closer to our spouse.
Some friends and I are studying the book of Esther in Bible study right now and the title of the study is: Esther: It's Tough To Be a Woman! Beth Moore is the author - and she's really wonderful. In one of the video portions of the study, Beth read a letter from a woman who discussed why it's tough for her to be a woman. The woman wrote about being a mother and feeling like it can be such a thankless job so much of the time that it didn't seem to her that what she was doing as a mom was a very important job at all.
I have been haunted by hearing that ever since. I felt so bad for that woman, my heart completely went out to her. I came home from Bible study that night and told my husband what she had said and how it stuck with me. I seriously looked at him, with tears in my eyes and said, "Thank you for making me feel like I have the most important job in the world. Thank you for working so hard so that I can do my job well and be here to raise our son."
And he, being the wonderful man he is, looked back at me and said: "You do have the most important job in the world and you are amazing at it."
It was one of those sweet moments where you think to yourself: It seriously doesn't get much better than this.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Fort February
But you know what? Sometimes getting down on the floor and playing with you kids is more important than what company thinks. Actually, I'd say it's more important all the time! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go plop myself down on something equally as comfy for a bit!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
He Moves in Mysterious Ways
Major bummer: I'm still not pregnant. Geez Louise, this is turning out to be quite the emotional roller coaster! It's so hard because half the month you're "trying" to get pregnant and the other half, you're wondering "am I pregnant?" And you so desperately want to be pregnant that you start thinking of cute baby names, and wondering if it's a boy or a girl, when in fact, in all likelihood: you are not yet PREGNANT!
As frustrating as it has been these past 6 months (and trust me, I know there are many women who go longer than that, and also those who are unable to conceive altogether), I have amazing friends and family who have seemingly unending patience with my lack of faith! One particular friend divulged to me that it took her a year to get pregnant with 3 out of her 4 kids. She gave me some really great encouragement this morning to:
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7
She also reminded me that God's timing is absolutely perfect. And also - that sex + ovulation doesn't necessarily always = a baby.
No kidding!!! :)
I don't know why I believe the devil's lie that if I try to control everything and hold on so tightly to everything that somehow it will work out better for me than if I TRUST IT ALL to my CREATOR! Who loves me like He does? NO ONE!
Whew, considering that alone, in addition to the blessing of my amazing husband, little man and not to mention some stellar family and friends I am blessed indeed.
Also, it's so very true that EVERY baby is just a complete miracle - it saddens me when people are too caught up in science that they can't find God...and here I am basically doing the same thing! The "But I'm doing everything RIGHT, everything I SHOULD be doing, Lord!" cries of my heart are just plain silly in light of the fact that I know full well God opens the wombs of women in HIS TIME in HIS WAY, and it really has nothing to do with science at all!
Sarah barren her whole life, then conceived at nearly 100! Elizabeth couldn't have kiddos, then WHAM here comes John the Baptist when she least expected it! And heaven help Mary, who didn't even GET to have any fun at all before Baby #1, aka our Lord and Savior came on the scene.
Yeah...I guess it's pretty much safe to say He moves in mysterious, amazing, and wonderful ways.
So for now, I'm holding my sweet boy tighter every day and holding on to God's promises for dear life. I'm working on that whole trust thing, too. And I'm ever so thankful that God's not done with me yet because I've got a long way to go!!
As frustrating as it has been these past 6 months (and trust me, I know there are many women who go longer than that, and also those who are unable to conceive altogether), I have amazing friends and family who have seemingly unending patience with my lack of faith! One particular friend divulged to me that it took her a year to get pregnant with 3 out of her 4 kids. She gave me some really great encouragement this morning to:
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7
She also reminded me that God's timing is absolutely perfect. And also - that sex + ovulation doesn't necessarily always = a baby.
No kidding!!! :)
I don't know why I believe the devil's lie that if I try to control everything and hold on so tightly to everything that somehow it will work out better for me than if I TRUST IT ALL to my CREATOR! Who loves me like He does? NO ONE!
Whew, considering that alone, in addition to the blessing of my amazing husband, little man and not to mention some stellar family and friends I am blessed indeed.
Also, it's so very true that EVERY baby is just a complete miracle - it saddens me when people are too caught up in science that they can't find God...and here I am basically doing the same thing! The "But I'm doing everything RIGHT, everything I SHOULD be doing, Lord!" cries of my heart are just plain silly in light of the fact that I know full well God opens the wombs of women in HIS TIME in HIS WAY, and it really has nothing to do with science at all!
Sarah barren her whole life, then conceived at nearly 100! Elizabeth couldn't have kiddos, then WHAM here comes John the Baptist when she least expected it! And heaven help Mary, who didn't even GET to have any fun at all before Baby #1, aka our Lord and Savior came on the scene.
Yeah...I guess it's pretty much safe to say He moves in mysterious, amazing, and wonderful ways.
So for now, I'm holding my sweet boy tighter every day and holding on to God's promises for dear life. I'm working on that whole trust thing, too. And I'm ever so thankful that God's not done with me yet because I've got a long way to go!!
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