I have been a busy, busy bee lately and it's all good stuff but whew it's wearing me out! On a happy note, my doctor's appointment went well and the doctor told me I'm a) probably exhausted because I have an 18 month old (blood tests all came back normal) and b) it's too early to worry about any other reason that I'm not pregnant yet - so a clean bill of health! Yay! It probably was too early to worry, but that is something I am always trying to work on - having peace in all circumstances and being anxious for nothing!
This weekend has been a lot packed into a little bit of time and it's not over yet! I worked yesterday and it was a CRAAZZZY busy, super overwhelming day at work. In addition, my boss (who's super nice but super stressed) asked if I could work Monday and Wednesday next week. I'm already working Friday, Saturday, Sunday...and my in-laws are coming for the week, arriving on Monday. I felt bad saying no, but there is absolutely no way I want to work more days next week. Matt's family lives so far away and we so rarely get to spend time with them so we really want to spend as much time as possible with them when we can. They are very understanding about the fact that we are on a tight budget and every little bit helps, but clearly it's way too much to work the whole time they are here! Goodness knows the next time we'll see them after this visit.
Straight from work we had leadership for Young Life, which is a great time but so much of me wants to just crash on the couch after a long day (which felt like a week) at work. I'm glad we got to have good fellowship with our friends and co-leaders last night but it meant we got to bed late too - and the past few nights with Josh have not been good ones. Poor little thing must be teething again...I swear it's harder on me than it is on him!
Today I took some Young Life girls to breakfast and we did a video for club for next week, then I was supposed to go to a baby shower two and a half hours away, but decided at the last minute (which I felt guilty for!) that it just wouldn't be feasible. Our reliable car was in the shop and I had another commitment to be back for at 6pm...which ended up getting cancelled. Still, it was a busy day of errands that took a lot longer than I had hoped. Grocery store and Costco the Saturday before Thanksgiving = a nightmare! I narrowly escaped with my life.
Tomorrow will be busy as well but I'm so happy we'll be able to go to church. One thing I hate about working so many weekends is that we often have to miss church because of my schedule. It makes us really appreciate the Sundays we can go. And as Thanksgiving rapidly approaches, despite the busy, crazy, hectic days, it's good to be mindful of all our blessings, big and small.
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