Sometimes I feel like the only person on the planet who doesn't "tweet." From the very beginning of Twitter, I thought "that sounds like a crazy HUGE waste of time." I also thought it could be dangerous or just plain weird to tell the world where you are and what you are doing every minute of every day. I also think if you do multiple things per day, you may feel obligated to tweet about each of those things, and then come on - you'd essentially spend more time tweeting about your life as you would spend actually living it.
Now, I have to be honest - when Facebook was the new kid on the block back in college, I rolled my eyes at that, too. And now I absolutely adore it. Probably more than I should! I love being able to post pictures of my son, see other people's photos in one easy stop and just feel like I'm still a part of people's lives who live far away from me. It's so easy and convenient to go to one place and see EVERYONE. Especially because my sister recently moved away, leaving me the only family member in Connecticut; the rest of our family resides in Ohio. I miss them terribly.
As of now, I'm standing my ground on not starting a Twitter - but I have a confession to make. Though I don't have a Twitter account of my own, I do follow someone on Twitter. And this is the weirdest part - it's not even a person I know! Let me explain before you cast me off as a psycho stalker.
A while back, I was introduced to this website called, which helps people "get control" of their house - with easy routines, organizational help, and goal-setting. I liked the idea of this site and have even put many of the routines to use in my own home. It's noticeably cleaner and easy to keep on top of, I must say! Flylady also has links on the page to Facebook and Twitter so you can "keep up with flylady." Curious (more about Twitter than anything else), I clicked on the Twitter link one day. I saw women posting left and right about their accomplishments in their home - be it a completed load of laundry, a shiny sink, or a P90-x workout achievement.
One "tweeter" in particular seemed super busy - and super accomplished. I felt a twinge of guilt as I realized she had done more before noon than I had all day! I decided to turn my guilt into something productive and take a closer look. Her profile indicated she was a stay at home mom of three school aged kids - and a Christian as well, something else I could identify with.
It happened slowly at first - I would peek at the Flylady page here and there, checking for her updates and being inspired to do what she was doing. If she was swiffering her floor, I would think "hey, that's a novel idea!" and do the same to mine. Before I knew it, I was receiving daily text updates from this woman's Twitter and adding so many things to my to-do list. She's like my housekeeping mentor. Without knowing it. Weird? Maybe. Honestly, it's just inspiring me to get off my butt and make good use of my time at home to make my home a little, well homier.
Ok, that's my confession but now I want to know - who do you follow? Am I the only crazy one who follows people they don't know? Make me feel better about my life! At the very least, I already feel much better about my home!